What are we?

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Y/n ~
You and your best friend Cathy were catching up on life.
You haven't seen her since  last year. And today she was treating you for lunch.
"So y/n is there any special guy in your life?" She asked you. This was question you pondered on many times in your life sure you had guy friends and occasional dates but they didn't mean anything they were all out of good ole fun.
" nah Cathy I've just been chilling plus I don't need a man this the 90s right?"
Cathy laughed at your unconvincing reply.
"Sure we don't need man. But they need us and I'm sure there is some homeboy out there that's got your panties in a knot." 
You gasped feeling embarrassed. And you and your best friend shared a good laugh.
"So what's up with you and this producer guy?" Cathy casually asked after drinking your orange juice carton.
You didn't answer right away.
" What's his name Debutante?"
" Cathy it's DeVante!"
You were irritated with the mispronunciation of his name.
" ooo you're in love hoe!" Cathy said.
" who said that? " You retorted.
"Who said that?" She said back trying to mock you.
" me y/n, once I brought homeboy up  you couldn't stop talking about him."
This was true. You were capable of hiding feelings but not from your best friend. " so does he show any interest in you?"
" I don't know sometimes I feel like he does and sometimes I get mixed messages."
You said shrugging your shoulders.
" mixed messages like what?" Cathy was in the zone and wanted you to continue with the details.
"Like one moment he flirting with me. And staring into my soul and the next moment he treats me like one of the dudes and talks about getting laid by one of those blonde bimbos or about some basketball game." You answered getting heated.
" hmm... well is he in a relationship? "
Cathy asked.
" no he isn't in one."  In a instant Cathy had a look on her face like she just had an epiphany.
" I got an idea."
You knew exactly what she was thinking.
" uhuh no Cathy we aren't in middle school or high school any more." You rejected the idea.
" I say stick with what works. Now you were just pouring your heart out about this guy to me and you say he is not in a relationship. Like what are you doing go for it.
Now what's his number?"
Your best friend said picking up your land line. But before she could start dialing you stopped her with some surprising news. " but he's out of town so there's no sense in calling him."
" even better a voice mail." She said back. Nothing was going to stop Cathy she was determined. You quickly have her the number in hopes of her to stop worrying you about it. She dialed his number and his voicemail tone came on. "What's up this DeVante I can't get to the phone right now so leave a message. But if this is them hoes Mary Jane and sue beat it! Don't call my car phone my cellular phone unless you gonna pay the bills peace!" Beep.
" umm he's quite a character, voice sexy though. Cathy commented.
" hey DeVante this is Cathy y/n long time best friend and she wanted me to-
" Cathy nooo." You pleaded. You grabbed the phone from her connecting it to your ear. You were breathing heavy and the adrenaline was pumping fast inside. " hey D that was my best friend and we were just talking about how in high school we use to call each other crushes and tell them how the other feels about them." You said laughing. " but I already told you once how I feel about you." You began to slow down. " I think your fly and wonderful and smart and-d sweet." You stuttered. " what I'm trying to say is... how do you feel about me? I have showed you plenty of times but what are we? Is this even a relationship?"
" anyways DeVante this feeling I have for you hasn't gone away and I-I-i I think I am in love with you." Beep
You had finally womaned up and told DeVante how you felt after all those years of friendship. But recently he had blurred the lines when you decided to go to the movies without the rest of the crew. From that incident alone it was history.

" oh my God I did it Cathy!" You jumped for joy and Cathy came back into the kitchen.
" what in the world did I let you talk me into? " you said changing the tone into a serious one.
You had realized that you threw yourself at DeVante and did not know what to expect.

The phone suddenly began to ring.

To be continued ***

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