A Christmas with an Degrate

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Authors note: another I'm still waiting throw back. It's not even 1k words but hope you enjoy it!
Me and De were having so much fun today there were no ladders when I wanted to put up the star so he had to hold me up. I am short but I am definitely not small on the weight scale. " if you drop me I'm killing you." I told him. He was making me nervous Donald was skinny so I didn't understand how he was holding me up I guess the strength lies somewhere else. " man shut up and hurry up and put the star on there." He said quietly smacking his teeth

. "Well it's up there now." I said smiling down at him. He just mean mugged me. He gently let me down after we were done with Christmas decorations. " well what do you think? " I said referring to the tree and hitting my lap. He was in his own space or something because he didn't answer me he just stared into the opposite direction. I walked up to him standing on my tippy toes and began pinching his cheeks. Once I caught his attention he snaked his arm around my waist and put his massive hand on my back and leaned down to kiss me. " what's wrong?" I questioned him . He just changed his whole mood from a few moments ago. " nothing baby my bad. What were you asking?" " I said what do you think of the tree?" I asked once again. " it looks great,most importantly my mom is gonna love it." He said. " you got me to help you with your chores ?" I asked him cause I know he did not just chose this cause it was fun. He started laughing " yeah kind of." He said laughing hysterically. I started hitting him playfully. He scooped me up then threw me on the couch. Then he started tickling me like I was a little girl. " stop De stop you so childish " I screamed laughing. I hit him hard on his arm he stared down at his arm it was a small red bruise. Then he looked up at me I stared at him alarmingly. " I'm sorry!" I blurted out. " it's all good." He answered me. " but now I got to get you." His voice said lowly. I closed my eyes and put my arm up for him to hit it but he just chuckled shaking his head. Instead of feeling a hit He kissed my hand all the way up to my neck and started sucking on it. As he continued I wrapped my arms around his neck rubbing the back of his noggin.

But suddenly I heard a car engine outside and jumped he moved fast. " what's the matter?" " someone is coming in." I answered. " oh snap it's my mom and pops." He informed me looking through the blinds. " you gonna have to cover that up with something here wear my jacket." He said tossing me his favorite jacket that was purple and smelled like cologne. " cover what up?" I asked confusingly. " come here." He motioned me to come to him. " I gave you hickeys." He whispered. "Oh !"I blushed . " I can do more if you want." He said slyly and poking my stomach. " you need to stop playing De."

I stated. " oh but I'm not playing though." Of course I knew this by now he isn't joking he's actually pretty serious. His parents unlocked the door and came in. His mom was the first to waltz in. Then his Dad. " hey Jr. " she kissed him on cheek. " hey son you got the tree up?" " yes sir." He said quickly. Then Mrs. Degrate hugged me. " you should stay for dinner Y/n." She suggested. " sure I'd love to." I answered her smiling. " how you doing young lady?" Donald dad asked. " I'm doing fine reverend." "Is that right? Aren't you pastor Clark granddaughter over there on chalk lane rd?" " yessir I am." I answered him Donald just stood there awkwardly folding his arms. "well we'd love for you to stay and have dinner."

Reverend Degrate said patting my back.
Time passed and I could smell the cooking my stomach started growling. " would you like any help?" " oh sure sweetie can you put those cookies in the oven? it's already set. " she asked me.  I got up putting star cut shaped pastries in the oven. Mrs Degrate broke the silence. " so are you Donald's girlfriend?" " yes ma'am." I answered smiling to myself. " well I'm glad it's better than all the other skeezers I've seen him with." She explained. I laughed at the way she said skeezer.  Soon the front door opened and Dalvin and Derek walked in the house. Dalvin had a over sized jacket on and Derek was

wearing a scarf and a hat and he just stared at me like I was an statue in a museum.  " what's up ma?" Dalvin said kissing her on the cheeks. " what you doing here?" He finally looked over at me smirking. " I'm staying for dinner " I explained.
I wondered where Donald went.

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