The librarian part 1

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Donald Degrate Jr.

I don't strike you as a person to go to the library, but I do.
For the past 2 months I have been visiting the library habitually during lunch and 3rd period. I'm not going there to read books in there either. Mrs. J the librarian had placed a studio in the back of the facility and I come here to write and record.
As I walked towards the room a sign read 'get a pass.' "Man forget all that. I don't need a d-" "Donald is everything thing okay?" Before I could finish my sentence mrs. J appeared. She stood by the door opening it up for me.

"Uhh yeah everything is okay mrs. B." I answered her.  Mrs. J was not the typical librarian you would envision. She was this quirky white woman who had a dirty mouth. Personally I think she may have had a thing for black men . She was that cool Mom that would encourage her daughter to smoke marijuana with her. It's just a theory though. "Edna he doesn't need a pass, he literally comes in here every day." She halfway rolled her eyes at the older stricter librarian ms. Holland. Ms. Holland had no choice but to agree, I mean it's library and people are supposed to be quiet. I'm sure it wasn't worth it to make a scene over one student. " you go ahead and do what you do Donald." Mrs. J assured me patting my back. I nodded my head giving her a low whispered 'thank you'.

As I walked closer to the back of the room I noticed that (y/n) was behind the desk. Her eyes were deeply engrained into whatever she was reading. I didn't wanna bother her because she looked peaceful. Every day I asked her for the golden key to go to the studio. Because I was responsible for keeping the studio clean and other goons liked to barge in on my sessions.
I stood by the desk for a while and then cleared my throat. It mildly alerted her because she slightly raised her head from the book. "Good morning." She smiled. Though I saw her everyday there was something unusually different about her. She had this glow that I could not put my finger on. " good morning." I replied back dryly.
" oh you want the key." She reached in the drawer searching moving her hands around. I took this as the opportunity to peek at what she was reading. 'The greatest musicians of all time.' I smiled to myself it was great to see another person taking interest in music. " here ya go Donald." She said cheerfully holding the key out in my direction.
"Thanks." I mumbled then returned a small smile. I turned around finally making my way to the studio.



Did he just smile? You wondered what he was so happy about. Lately you had been seeing Donald a lot.  He was so mysterious the way he walked, the few words that he had except when he was with his brothers and friends.
You always offered him books to but he always declined. You secretly had a crush on him but what you did not know is that it wasn't a secret to your teacher Mrs. J and that she purposely let Donald in the library just so that you could see him. " he's just so cute." You thought you said it quietly but then mrs. J the librarian overheard you. " I know right!" She said enthusiastically Bumping into your hips. " you should get with that." She suggested. You chuckled lightly shaking your head at mrs. J shenanigans.

Just then Donald's brother and friends came in being loud and goofing off.
" ayyye you know where De is at?" Dalvin had asked. "Shhh." Ms. Edna was agitated with the boys. " she need to shut up don't nobody care about her long saggy titties having self." Kci said just loud enough for ms. Edna not to catch. Jojo palmed his face giving out a fustrated sigh. " respect your elders K." He dragged out.
After being distracted by their foolishness You turned your attention back to Dalvin who had previously asked where his brother was.
" he's back there in that room." You pointed to where the room was in the facility. " oh word." He said. Just when he was about to bounce he looked back at you smirking. " you looking good baby." He winked after. " thanks Dalvin." You said softly. It was nice to get some attention from a guy but if you were being honest with yourself you didn't want attention just from anyone. You wanted attention from Donald.
But he just didn't seem to stop and notice you.
Little did you know that that was far from the truth.

*to be continued

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