What my daddy says part 1

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Every year your dad went out of town.
He was a well known musician in the area. " listen baby cakes I'm gonna be out of town playing music at the chitilin circuit. " he had came into your room to announce that he was leaving.
You and your father had a strong relationship but it had gotten stronger when your mother Carol had passed away from a horrible car accident. Over the years your father became overprotective of you. He figured he was all you had and you was all he had.
You never questioned him about it either.
"Okay Dad." You answered him being understanding. He winked at you and proceeded to grab his keys.
"But wait!" You yelled at him before he could leave you causing his attention to be back on you.
" what is it baby cakes?" He called you this nick name because when you were a baby you called little Debbie desserts baby cakes. " can I go with you this time?" You asked.
" I don't know about all of that. You wouldn't really like being on the road." He claimed. This was far from the truth though as far as you were concerned you liked to travel. You didn't go out much but you were sure you liked traveling.
" please Dad, you never take me anywhere." You whined.
You knew he would instantly give in.
" okay you can come pack your clothes real fast hurry now!" He began to rush you which was fine because you did bring this up last minute.

Cedric Hailey

" that's not how I want to sing it though I wanna feel it you know?" Today I was rehearsing with my quartet they seem to think I do too much. But I was told there is no such thing as doing to much when you singing for the lord.
" okay but you gonna lose your voice doing all that extra sh-" JoJo was just about to use a swear word until he heard mama swing the door open.
" what you say Joel?" JoJo had gotten quite from obviously being caught.  "Whatcha say boy?" She asked again looking in between us.
" nothing mama just that Kci need to stop all that shouting for he lose his voice." He replied.
" mhm that's what it had better been."
We both exchanged glances after she walked out. Glances that resulted in laughter.

"Bring you're water bottle Kci."
The road manager had called up to me.
Chitterlings circuits were fun I mean big fun. I say this because I met all the honeys at these places. I enjoyed performing and singing but trust that wasn't the only reason I was coming.


You and your dad had finally arrived at the chitlins circuit. He was currently in a rush trying to set up all the instruments on the stage.
" drums over here Sam!" A man had ordered your dad. " I'm sorry baby I'm gonna be all over the place today, here take some Money go out somewhere but remember no boys." He pulled money out of his bill fold and handed it to you. He wanted to let you know he was serious about his 'no boys rule."
You didn't know you were gonna test that rule though.

After checking the town out and seeing all the other acts you bumped into a skinny lanky boy with a head full of curly hair he looked to be 16.
" my bad sugah." He said his accent was adorable. One thing You loved was country accents. He looked at your face as if he had a sudden revelation.
" what's a pretty thang like you doing here?" He asked smiling.
You blushed immediately this wasn't like you at all. " my dad plays for your group." You replied in a quiet manner.
" is that so ?you Sammy daughter aren't you?"
You nodded your head. " how did you know?" You asked him.
" cause You kinda look like him." He answered shrugging his shoulders.
" my name is Kci." He told you as if he had read your mind when you were wondering who he was. " I'm (y/n)"
You both shook each others hands except he shook yours gently as if you were a china doll. He was certainly using his southern charm and chilvary on you or maybe he was just this way.

"You wanna come in?" He asked.
You weren't so sure if you were really allowed to go in there. " thanks but my daddy says I shouldn't just go to people places like that." You used this as an excuse in hopes of him letting it go.
"Oh Sam wouldn't mind I'll just tell him you're with me." He said trying to assure you. You felt at ease but still at the same time you knew your dad wouldn't approve of this . Yet here you were walking into Kci dressing room.
His room was like any other Christian dressing room. You were surprised that he had a bobby Womack record playing in the room. More importantly surprised that he had a blunt between his fingers.

" Kci I thought you were Christian?"
He sat up and started coughing.
" I am what you mean?" If he could not see the problem you certainly weren't gonna condemn him. All of sudden you heard someone come through the door.
" Kci they calling us!" The boy said urgently. " nah they ain't mane."
" yes they are the man said little Cedric."
Kci had got up from slouching and stomped his roach out.
" I think that Jheri curl juice getting to your brain." The boy said. I think it was his brothers I could see their similarities.

* to be continued

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