The perfect birthday gift

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Jamia was going to turn the big 21. it meant a lot of things for her like growth and maturity. She would also happy about the alcohol law. 'popping bottles' she would say.

She woke up that morning with her baby DeVante on the other side. Instead of getting out of the bed immediately she layed on her stomach admiring the futures of him. Like his suckable lips, perfect nose. How his jawline was unwavering perfect even when he was snoring and there was drool coming from his mouth.

"Today is going to be a good day." She declared at the start of her morning. Jamia ran herself a bubble bath while putting on her favorite records. It some how made her feel like a grown woman. She also picked out her favorite dress, she just Knew DeVante was taking her out to breakfast today.

As soon as she stepped out the bathtub she wrapped a towel around her body and went to moisturize her skin. DeVante peeped his head back in to the bathroom to see what all the racket was.

"Oh good morning De."  She greets him flashing a smile.
"Morning MiMi." He only had his boxers on. He was yawning and then Jamia caught him digging into his boxers like some teenage boy.

"What you getting dressed up for?"  He asked her.
"You should know."
Jamia commented shaking her head. She pushed pass him in the bathroom and started getting her hair accessories ready. With a scrunchy she put a half up and down ponytail on her box braids. After putting some lipgloss on she felt that she was ready.

"Uhh baby can you do me a favor?" She heard DeVante's voice and she thought he was going to say happy birthday.

"Yeah sure." She was fixing her jacket and when he asked.
"Can you go out to the store today and get us some more gain detergent? We running out."
On the inside she wanted her mouth to jump open. She felt like De should know her birthday automatically. Not inform him on the day of.

"I- okay." She stuttered. She was going to say something else but then decided not to protest.
On the way to her car she was cussing up a storm.
'It's my birthday dog on it! And I deserve some birthday sex or cake. Something!' She thought.
"Alright she's gone guys." De said over the phone. He had a surprise for his boo thang. He had been writing this song since forever.

Jamia always use to joke about wanting to be his muse. De would say 'I don't have a muse Mimi, I just write.' He was only joking. Every artist needed some type of inspiration but he wanted to mess with Jamia's head a little.

All of Jamia's close and dear friends showed up to DeVante's house with gifts and presents of all sorts.
"Put that on the counter." DeVante ordered the people around.

"Are you sure this is a good idea to have Mia running errands around?" Dalvin asked his older brother.
"How about you just do your job, leave all of this to me."  He smirked cockily.
"Okay boss playa, but don't be surprised if she throw your skinny Mr. Ed looking behind on the couch because she thought you forgot her birthday." K-Ci uttered. It's funny because he was the last one to be calling anyone skinny as skeletal as his body was.

"Y'all just shut up it's gonna be fine." 
"Yeah let's not worry, hopefully Mia isn't too mad." JoJo said agreeing with his homie De. Then continuing to dap him up later.
Meanwhile Jamia was sitting in the car frustrated.

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