The librarian part 2

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It was yet another day at the school and just like the days before you worked in the library. Just like before you would ask Donald if he wanted a book to read and it was the same answer ' no thanks'
You were discouraged by him always declining. But no one would have guessed it with your consistent upbeat attitude. Students would come to the library during lunch and when they just wanted to skip class.

" do you have a pass?" You asked a brown skinned female with blonde hair. The girl continued to walk like she didn't hear you ask a question.
You decided to tap her to gain her attention once again. " do you have a pass?" You asked this with much more aggression than before and apparently the girl had caught on. " excuse me? Don't be all up on me like that." A attitude was evident in her tone.
" listen girl I'm just doing my job, I'm 100% sure you would want me to ask for your pass rather than ms. Edna over there." You both looked over at a old woman behind the desk with her glasses at the rim of her nose then she proceeded to pick her nose. " eww." The girl whispered. "See?" You questioned her.
" look I'm sorry I'm just in a hurry. I don't really have my pass right now but I'm looking for some one." You nodded understanding her situation.
" no biggie, you can come in just don't let ms. Edna catch you." You had finally let her in. The girl began to walk to her appointed destination but not before she turned back around and opened her mouth. " by the way my name is Mary some people call me Mj though." She said shyly carrying a New York accent that you wasn't to familiar with sense you were from the south.
Nonetheless you smiled. " nice to meet you. I'm (y/n)." You replied.

After the whole pass situation you delved back into your book named 'the greatest musicians of all time' it was subtitled African Americans. Today you happened to be reading about B.B. king a great musician who's soulful music inspired many people. You could not seem to focus on the book for to long because Donald had kept creeping up in the back of your mind. You knew nothing about him yet you couldn't stop thinking about him. Just when you were thinking about him Kci interrupted your thoughts.
"Hey (y/n), you know where Mary is?"
Everything had clicked and processed when you began to realize he was who Mary was looking for. " oh yea I was just talking to her I think she was looking for you." You informed him.
" she's at that table reading." You cocked your head to the side surprised that someone actually came in here and read.
"Alright thanks sugah." Kci said to you.
" the names (y/n)" you corrected him as he walked off. He just waved you off not paying attention. 
"(Y/n) it is." All of a sudden you heard a familiar voice creeping up on you.
You looked and saw that it was Dalvin the school flirt.
" oh it's just you." You simply said.
"Just me!  That's how you feel (y/n)?"
"Yep!" You said popping the p and then giggling. You felt there was no harm in just flirting a little with him.


Donald Degrate jr
I was in studio today once again just waiting for the guys to get here. We all know that niggas will always be on cpt though. For those of you who don't know what that acronym stands for it means color people time. It came from black people always being late so we just make up our own time. I decided to take a little break from being trapped in the room from writing so long.
I stepped out the room and observed that the library wasn't as silent as it usually is. What was going on today?

I could not help but notice that Dalvin was flirting with a girl behind the desk. When I looked closer I realized it was (y/n). Now she wasn't just any regular girl. Dalvin has had his share of girls at this school but I wasn't gonna let (y/n) be one of them. But I don't know why I'm so worried about her.
After spectating for a few moments I finally made my way over there.
"(Y/n), you coming to the game?" Dalvin asked her. " aww dal I don't know about that." She wasn't to sure with her answer and I was getting worried.  " come on !come to the game for me I can get you in free." He pleaded with her. She just giggled and shook her head. " dal she don't wanna go to the game with a pit bull." I interrupted. 
Dalvin looked over at me obviously annoyed that I was interfering with his Mack.  " man go on somewhere with that." He said sucking His teeth.
(Y/n) face brightened up when she saw me. " hey Donald." She waved shyly.
" hey (y/n)" I said lowly and showing a smirk. " can you find me a book?"



"Sure." You said. You were not quite expecting Donald to actually look for a book.
What you didn't know is that he had other intentions. " what kind of book you looking for?" You asked him genuinely searching around the library.
" anything about music." He says lowering his head. You walked to the back section of the library where all the books about musicians and music itself had lie. Donald looked at the shelf in amazement. " what would you recommend?" He asked in a tone that was deeper than usual. you were so conflicted you didn't know what to do.
" umm I would recommend I-I" you started stuttering and your breathing became hard. " you alright?" He chuckled and you melted. But thank God for a poker face.
" you look like a prince fan." You picked up a book that was on jet magazine with an issue about prince.
" oh this is dope." He said smiling. Donald's eyes had lit up in admiration.
He then grabbed your hands.
" I wanna show you something."
"O-" he pulled you his way before you could answer him.
When walking in the room it was dark and all you could hear were your footsteps. "Donald?" You called out.
Where did he go? he pulled me with him. "Donald where did you go?"
It was silent for too long. You thought that he was gone so you began to exit the room. " BOOO!" Out of no where Donald popped up Imitating a ghost sound. You squealed and jumped almost about to hit him upside his head. He flicked the lights on looking at your face. He busted out laughing. This Donald was not the one you were used to seeing this Donald wasn't calm neither reserved. But then again you didn't know him. " that is not funny, you almost lost your life." You said with a fake laughter after. " my bad." He said seriously clearing his throat.
You took in the atmosphere of the studio that had sheets with lyrics pinned to the wall. There were pens everywhere as well as headphones. Donald had a keyboard placed in front of him. Donald made the library studio his home. It was as if you were discovering the secret garden or Narnia.
" sit here." He patted the seat next to
Him smiling at you. " I wanna play something for you (y/n)"
"Really ?why?" You were thrilled to be with Donald but at the same time just as confused. " I've been wanting you to hear this for a while."
* the song!

Been watching you baby
For a long time
You look so good
Got my eyes on you)
I've been watching you
For so very long
Trying to get my nerve built up to be so strong
I really want to meet you
But I'm kind of scared
'Cause you're the kind of lady
With so much class
Get my thoughts together
For the very next day
But when I see you lady
I forget what to say
Your eyes and hair
Such a beautiful tone
The way you dress and walk
It really turns me on
Ooh, you really turn me on
Come on, come on, come on
Come and talk to me
I really wanna meet you
Can I talk to you?
I really wanna know you
Come and talk to me
I really wanna meet you
Can I talk to you?
I really wanna know you
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh on you)

Donald had sung the song to you in a low tone barely above a whisper. Nonetheless it was still just as beautiful. You smiled at him gazing at him having a good time performing the song for you. " thanks it's really beautiful Donald." You told him thankfully. He lowered his head smiling shyly so that he could hide his head under that Poindexter hat. But then he slowly lifted it up. " not as beautiful as you." Right then and there you could fall into his eyes for they were a trap you was the bee and his eyes were the honey. He soon brought his face toward yours interlocking both of your mouths. You opened access for him to put tongue in. The kiss was better than you imagined in fact it was your first.

" ayye bro let us in!" Dalvin had yelled from outside the studio. You quickly fixed yourself up ready to leave the room. You opened the door for all the guys that were outside. " oh hey (y/n), what you doing here?" Dalvin and Kci had asked being nosey.
" I was just leaving." You said slightly blushing. You looked back into the room and Donald gave you the same look that he gave you earlier.
He finally asked for a book.

*** hope you enjoyed 🤗

The adventures of Jodeci Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora