Separate ways

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For: xoxoTiller

Courtney was so excited about finally graduating and leaving her school

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Courtney was so excited about finally graduating and leaving her school. She was proud of what she achieved. Like her academics or her outstanding behavior all through out high school.

She was a shy girl but nobody knew that she was silly also. Everything held an importance to her specifically her relationship with her longtime boyfriend DeVante.

That silly side no one saw had an exception because DeVante saw it all the time when he was with her. And they were glad that they both made it to senior year together.

After a long hard day of work, Courtney was leaving the campus. She already knew she wasn't riding the bus but her dramatic friend Tricia wanted her to ride the bus.

'There's goons on the bus' Tricia would say. Courtney laughed at how silly her friend was being. "I'll catch ya later court, I know you gotta be hugged with your boo and all."
"Now Tricia you know it's not even like that." For the most part Tricia was understanding of the relationship, she knew the two kids were crazy about each other. If she was in Courtney shoes she'd be the same way, maybe even more.

"I'm sure De wouldn't mind you tagging along, you the homie too."
"Nah it's okay I wouldn't want to see all the spit swapping anyways." She said giggling after.

Courtney watched her get on the bus just to see her off safely. When she walked to the senior parking lot she felt a pair of hands wrap around her short stature. She knew them all to well.
She rotated look at his face. He was grinning from ear to ear.

"Boy! Don't scare me like that again, you so silly man." She yelled giggling.

"I'm just playing baby." He says after pecking her on the lips a couple of times.
"You ready to go?"
"Yeah." He grabbed her hand and they walked to the car together.

Later after a Burger King pick up they just sat in the driveway of Courtney's house.
"DeVante that burger was good but I seriously got to watch my figure. No more fast food stops."

He rolled his eyes a bit. "Babe it's fine, you don't got to watch nothing in fact I like you with a little meat on your bones."
"Yeah whatever. What is it you got to tell me?"
DeVante had gulped. He was nervous about telling his decision for college.

Courtney had dreams of them going to the university of Chapel hill.
"Courtney before I say this, you know I love you right?"
"Yes DeVante I know you love me. I love you too." She waited patiently for him to spit it out. Out of nerves DeVante cracked his knuckles removing them from the steering wheel. Courtney noticed.
"Well I'm not going to UNC... I can't go to UNC." Courtney heart immediately dropped to her stomach.
"Then where are you going?" She asked him softly.

"Listen, this school Hampton University offered me a scholarship and I need that money, plus UNC didn't accept me. I can't go to community college and wait for those credits." He tried to explain to her his situation but Courtney wasn't having it.

"We had a plan DeVante." Her voice started cracking. Soon tears were going to come falling down.

"Please don't cry, there's nothing I can do." He hated to see her hurt. He wiped the lonely tear from her eye with his thumb.

"Well what about us?" "What do you mean what about us?" He repeated her confused.

"That's a long distance relationship, we'll hardly see each other De." DeVante never thought this through. He knew she was right, but if they both wanted a good opportunity at education, this is the path they had to take.

"If it's meant to be,it will happen." He simply stated. He stared intently at her with his hazel orbs.
"What are you saying?" This sounded too much like a break up to Courtney. Her little heart couldn't handle it.

"I'm saying..." he took a moment before answering. "Maybe we should take a break."

"If that's what you want then I guess- ." Courtney started balling up in tears. She couldn't take it.
"I guess we have to do what we gotta do." She sniffled. She took her seatbelt off and opened the door. She stepped out the vehicle as well. She fixed her striped tee and pulled up her mom jeans. If she looked back at DeVante she would lose it.
"Courtney!" He yelled. She shook her head at him she needed time to her self to think about the decision.
"Courtney, I love you! Please don't be mad at me." Mad wasn't the word, heartbroken was more like it.
She shut the entrance of her house as soon as he made his way to the porch.

Graduation was 2 days away and Courtney was barely excited about it. She stayed in bed for the pass two days wondering why it had to be her to hurt like this.

She wouldn't be able to see her baby again. DeVante called her phone over 30 times but Courtney's dad kept picking up. He was frustrated but he knew that Courtney needed some time.

On the day of graduation everyone showed up to receive their diplomas. It was a joyous occasion. Courtney smiled through the pain. When she saw DeVante get his diploma in their White cap and gowns she couldn't help but smile. When he noticed her smiling she looked away and it faded.

Courtney completely ignored DeVante after the graduates started taking pictures. He was hurt.
The summer slipped through her hands and college had started.

It had been a whole year since they saw each other. DeVante occasionally wrote her letters telling her how everything went. He was doing great at Hampton but he told her his heart was with her in North Carolina.
But just like before she read them and ignored them.

One day Courtney was moving back in to her dorm for the sophomore year and her suitcase was really heavy. So it fell but she heard someone catch it.

"You need help?" "DeVante?"

"The one and only baby."

"What are you doing here?" " I sent you laters." He said ignoring her question.
Courtney didn't look in his eye any longer she knew that she was hurt. But at the same time that was foul.
DeVante convinced her to have a cup of coffee and afterwards they hung over in her dorm.

"I miss you girl." "I missed you too,Oh God DeVante." She collapsed into him giving him a hug. Which turned into a kiss, which turned into moans and groaning. Which turned into a passionate night of love making.

They both layed in her bed after falling asleep. But both DeVante felt Courtney waking up. He kissed her temple.
"I've got something to tell you."

"What?" She groggily asked.

"I'm transferring." He said smiling down at her.
Hope you enjoyed the imagine girl! ❤️ xoxoTiller

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