My man

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Johnny and I have been together for 2 months now.
We haven't had any fight or even much of disagreements, except for when it comes to movies.

I have taught him well enough how the internet works. He lives with me whenever he is in Chicago, he even cooks for me.

He is back home and won't be coming until next week. I miss seeing him and sleeping in his arms. But he's has been cutest boyfriend ever, always calls, texts and sends photos. My gallery is filled with his photos.


"Hey send me a selfie. I want to see your face." I texted him

He replied within a few minutes.

I called him "Hey baby, you shouldn't text let alone click photos while driving

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I called him "Hey baby, you shouldn't text let alone click photos while driving." I said

"It's nothing. I can do all kinds of shit while driving" He replied "what're you upto Y/N?"

"Color coordinating all my books. I think it'll look prettier." I replied

"You're such a dork" he laughed

"You aa suchaa dorrcc" i mimicked irritated

He laughed out loud "DORKKK."


I was having dinner with Harry and Jane. Jane was in the kitchen. I took this moment alone with Harry to confess "Harry. Last two months have been great. I want to tell him that I love him. What do you say?"

"Well, you tell me how will you feel if he doesn't say it back?" He asked

"Devastated. Homeless. Empty. Like the end of the world." i replied

"Damn. Do you think, he'll say it back? Has he done anything that makes you think he loves you too?" Harry asked

"Well, he showed me he was serious when he gave me a ticket for Christmas. It was a big gesture. He always calls, texts, even when he isn't here, he makes me feel like he's still around. He cooks for me. Makes me feel safe and never neglected. Makes me feel heard. Best part, he accepts all my emotions and vents, he's never disrespectful about anything. What do you think?" i replied

"What's stopping you then?" He asked

"Well, know......he's older......and well I don't know how he thinks about this stuff. I mean don't people stop wanting certain things in life once reach a certain age?" I said

"Y/N you need to stop thinking about it this way. Talk to him. You only said, you never feel the age gap. So why bring it into the picture now?" He said. He reached out held my arms and said "you should say it to him, let him know how you feel, no matter how big an asshole he is, he won't hurt you."

"Well okay. You're right. I'll tell him how I feel when he's here. He does make me feel like a kid in high-school" I grinned

I planned everything in my head. I decided to cook his favourite meal, get a load Coors Banquet put on his favourite music and say it.

I was very excited about it. I kept playing how it would go over and over again. Mostly positive scenarios. But I also imagined scenarios where he didn't say it back, he just went out the door and left me. I was scared. I wondered if this was how men felt when they are about to propose.

"I'm gonna tell my man I love him" i said to myself

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