Chapter 5 : A Day At His Feet

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The next they explained the rules at the first hour class, which is a socializing class. The class had Tommy there with his partner which Tommy seemed chill with, George there as well, Dream and his partner, Phill and his partner, and the rest he didn't know at all. He had a short conversation with Karl, George's partner, Ranboo saying a quick hello to Dream's partner who rolled his eyes and walked away. He had discovered Karl was American and was a very kind soul.

While it seemed George was okay with him the two didn't seem to be getting too close, and Karl somehow was managing conversations to Dream and his partner. The three looked at each other as the three talked so causally. Phill watched as his partner was on a computer. He seemed to be grinding which is something Tubbo doesn't usually do himself. Philza though seemed very content in watching and pointing out creepers trying to creep up on him.

The staff soon lead them and they listened bored but getting the rules down. The bells rang at the dismissing words and the staff began passing out schedules. The first class had been on a sticky note on their door. They got their stuff, and wondered the halls. "Look it's Mr.can'tread!" A voice bellowed laughing. He had expected someone to be here that knew him, the guy already making a group including with Americans. "Who's your buddy huh! Mr.Faceless?" The kid next to the first one told, them laughing.

With one look towards their way from Ranboo and they began whispering inside themselves with the Americans that seemed to know enough about him to know not to push his limits. An American whispered to the leader and the group left, soon getting to class.

Tubbo was quite confused how Ranboo managed to silence them but he took it as a good thing. If he had Ranboo on his side, he wouldn't be bullied for his dyslexia, he wouldn't have to worry about Americans teasing his accent and height. He wouldn't have people up his throat planning things that would ruin his stay. He assumed Tommy wasn't as lucky. Rushing without a partner that was an adult, who was in God knows what class.

The class began simple, basing on getting to get to know everyone, most kids having a liking of him. He wasn't sure what made them interested as he talked, but it was surprising. He was unsure how this happened but he never seemed to notice he had a good vibe. He had been around the same kids his whole life till now, them disliking him because his child self and his dyslexia. He liked being liked for his way he talked and openness at this age.

A lot of kids liked when he said he also sang and played the piano. He smiled at the people and that made them like him more. They gave a confused and concerned looks to Ranboo, him staying close to Ranboo which gave people a sense of being able to slightly trust him.

Most of their classes went like this, him staying close to Ranboo, kids liking him and giving Ranboo a chance since he trusted him. Ranboo seem to enjoy the attention, making jokes and just being a likeable person. Tubbo found this fun to be around, and even attractive. He couldn't help but blush when Ranboo turned his way. He could imagine the grey eyes Ranboo described, seeing them shining bright. Just the eyes themselves, not caring what the rest was like, but wanting to admire the human sparkle and color.

Seeing The Mask (Beeduo Fanfic | Highschool Au)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz