Chapter 29 : Holidays are Great

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(I actually Google searched about some English/British holidays and found St.George's Day which seemed to be the type of one they'd leave school for. If you celebrate this holiday please tell if anything is inaccurate.)

Tommy was questioning what was going on as they went to their dorm and got their stuff. "Hey wait how did you encourage my parents to let me come?" Tubbo asks. "I made a deal I'd come for Easter or what was it... Saint George's Day?" Ranboo said. Tubbo made an 'o' with his mouth. Tubbo knew his parents always made a whole bunch of food that day. It was pretty great when he was younger and his parents found it funny that he devoured all the fish cakes when he was five. He wondered if they'll let Tommy come over to depending on how his family does St. George's Day.

"What's St. George's Day anyways?" Ranboo asked, "What do you exactly do?". "Oh we have feasts that day! There's sunday trifle, and cottage pie, and mushroom and stilton tarts, and kedgeree, and shepherd's pie, and fish cakes and my parents like making biscuits and gravy with it." Tommy began rambling. Tubbo giggled at Tommy as Ranboo put Tubbo down to grab their stuff and carry that. "Why do you do it?" Ranboo asks. "Oh we have stories about this guy named Saint George and that's the day he died actually. He was abused and executed for disobeying the Roman Emperor which who was asking him to go persecute a bunch of Christians." Tubbo informed Ranboo.

Ranboo looked at them curiosly but nods. Ranboo began leading Tubbo along and Tubbo looked up at him, "So what's Thanksgiving about?" Tubbo asked. Ranboo smiles at Tubbo, "It's also a feast holiday. It's based off those first people that came there on the Mayflower. They had worked with the Natives and they all had a feast together in peace, like they were all equal,  but of course they didn't think it would become a holiday. It is though. A lot less dramatic then your holiday.". "What do you eat?" Tubbo asked, his legs adjusting to back to moving. "That's a suprise for you cause my family eats the traditional foods for it so you'll get to see." Ranboo told with a smirk on his face. Tommy took a few longer strides to get in front of them and began walking backward. "Fuck you bitch I won't be with you guys so you better tell when you get back or I'll kick your ass." Tommy threatened. "We will." Tubbo comforted Tommy with a smile.

Tubbo was most definitely excited about this. He's getting to meet Ranboo's parents, see the U.S, get to be with Ranboo on a holiday of his and then Ranboo will be with him and his parents on St. George's Day. He was extremely excited about this and he really couldn't believe Ranboo managed all of this by himself in such a short time span. Ranboo is just so amazing. Tubbo thought to himself, acting like a star-struck puppy.

This is going to be the best trip ever in the existence of trips.

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