Chapter 40 : Explaining Sports

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Ranboo and Tubbo were sitting at the table, peeling potatoes as the Super Bowl is playing. Ranboo is trying to explain American Football in the small amount he knows of from sitting there when he was younger as his parents get excited over it. "So you're telling me. You changed the name of Football to Soccer, and gave the same to a different sport you don't even use your foot in as much?" Tubbo questions. "Technically yeah." Ranboo says. "Why though? If you're gonna name something, you should of named this Soccer." Tubbo says, looking at Ranboo. "I don't know what to tell you. I wasn't alive when they named it." Ranboo says to him.

Tubbo shrugs, "I suppose America is just weird like this.". "I'm insulted" Ranboo says jokingly. "Oh don't be. I'm just calling your country weird." Tubbo says jokingly. The two begin dying of laughter with each other as Ranboo's mother smiles at them and continues cooking as watching for a bit. Though she changes what's on the TV soon, not finding it very valuable and Ranboo looks confused. "Your dad is the football person. I'm more of a horse races and dog shows." She says and Ranboo nods in understanding. The Dog Show was on anyways. What was going on in the Super Bowl was important yet.

Once done cutting the potatoes Ranboo is told to check the turkey and Tubbo helps. They do what was asked and put the turkey back in fully. The two boys begin sitting, talking about which dog is better and about Football a little bit and continued how Soccer should of been left with the name. "Alright then I'll call Soccer, football around you and just say American Football when I mean American football. Tubbo nods and smiles and the two just continue talking about the Dog Show and how adorable or funny looking all the dogs looked. It was actually enjoyable seeing the dogs walk along, looking so happy, the little dogs having their little runs that made life ever so much better.

Ranboo's mom informed Ranboo his dad came extremely early, not wanting to be around as Ranboo was with Tubbo and that brought Ranboo back down and Tubbo attempted to comfort Ranboo. He didn't wanting him feeling down but it didn't seem to be working very well so Tubbo got into Ranboo's lap and tried to make him smile. "Tubbo won't you come taste the gravy darling?" Ranboo's mother asked and Tubbo did as told, giving his opinion and went and got a bee plushie from his bag and went back to Ranboo. Ranboo looked at the plushie curiosly and Tubbo gave him it. Ranboo turned it down, smiling at Tubbo's kindness. "I don't want you sad." Tubbo said weakly. Ranboo smiled gently and kissed Tubbo's head. "I'm gonna be alright I promise." Ranboo comforts. Tubbo tried to think of something that would make Ranboo feel better. "Then could we go on a walk?" Tubbo asked. Ranboo's mom joined into the conversation. "Fresh air would make everything better love especially when you're with someone like Tubbo." Ranboo's mom chirped, winking at Tubbo.

Tubbo blinks at Ranboo's mom but nods in thanks since Ranboo nodded and got up. Tubbo put away his plushie and followed Ranboo outside, lacing their fingers.

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