Chapter 41 : Lovely Walks

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The two walked for a little while in silence. Tubbo was thinking about that look Ranboo's mom gave him. Wait does she know? Did she hear them this morning? Is she guessing, aware, or does she just want me with Ranboo? Maybe this is a test? A million questions began to pile on top of each other. A million different possibilities filled up his head. All fr om just her agreeing with Tubbo, and then winking. Maybe Tubbo had misinterpreted it or maybe he just didn't see it right. He would never know until he asked the adult but he was too shy to ask. He was a little scared to get the answers he desperately wanted.

Tubbo cleared his throat shyly and Ranboo looked down at him. "Hey you alright?" Tubbo asked. Ranboo looked forward and breathes. Ranboo goes silent and Tubbo looks up at him and Ranboo seems to be thinking. "Umm. I'm just, sad, I guess." Ranboo says and Tubbo leaned against him. Ranboo smiled at Tubbo and wrapped his arm about him. Tubbo hummed at the action and Tubbo happily lean against him more. Ranboo gently smiled at Tubbo and Ranboo begins to lighten up. Tubbo was extremely happy that Ranboo was lightening up.

Ranboo lead the two to the park near the house. Tubbo spoke shyly, "So your mom winked.". Ranboo nods and looks down at Tubbo, "I guess she did.". There was an uncomfortable silence between the two for a while. The two not really sure what to say about the topic. The topic made Tubbo curious but embarrassed all at the same time. Though no matter the issue, he still let himself be held closely by the tall American without a single complaint in mind. Tubbo felt safe and warm in Ranboo's arms. It just genially made him feel better about everything.

Ranboo led them along and then led them off the trail and Tubbo became confused as they went off on a trail written with 'Private Property'. "Ranboo this is Private property." Tubbo said confused and concerned about where Ranboo was leading him. "Yeah the property that my dad bought for me and my friends." Ranboo said to him. Tubbo looked at Ranboo curiosly. "Really?" Tubbo questioned in suprise. Ranboo nodded to him, "He bought it for me at my 15th birthday. He had a lot of money at that time so yeah.". Tubbo found that pretty great. Even though Ranboo had his glasses and mask on, he felt like he was smiling down at him which made him extremely giddy.

Ranboo picked Tubbo up and he giggled, enjoying as Ranboo nuzzled his cheek. "I only trust this area with people I'm comfortable showing my face with which is only a few people." Ranboo informs. Tubbo nodded in understanding and grabbed Ranboo's glasses and took them off. Ranboo gave him a questioning look and Tubbo giggled at him. Ranboo's eyes squinted in a smile and that made Tubbo feel good inside. They reached the clearing to see two boys chatting with each other casually. Their eyes leap up to Ranboo. "Yoh there's the Ran of the boos himself back from that school!" The person said, as he stood up. "Hello Ben, Hello Luke." Ranboo said, nodding his head to the two boys. Tubbo got shy but waved kindly, deciding to pull off a good first impression.

"Who's this?" One of the boys said, coming up. The boy had pale green eyes and very dark brown hair. He stood what looked like about a few solid inches taller than Tubbo as he took in note as Ranboo lowered him so he could take off his mask and shake the person's hand. The other boy was a inch or two taller than the other boy and had platinum blond hair and dark blue eyes. "Oh this is Tubbo." Ranboo said to them, "I met him at school. He's from the U.K.". The two looked down at Tubbo curiously and Ranboo grabbed Tubbo's hand, lacing his fingers into them, attempting to comfort him. "Are you two a thing?" The blond boy asked curiously. Ranboo looked at Tubbo and Tubbo nodded. "Yeah we're together. Nobody knows yet so don't go into Twitter or my chats on Twitch and tell the world about it." Ranboo tells and warns, his voice becoming pretty threatening and scary at the end.

Ranboo's friend nodded and smiled down at Tubbo, "He's so small.". "I'm not small, I'm just shorter than you guys." Tubbo complained, not liking being called small by people he didn't know. Ranboo's friend chuckled, and messed with Tubbo's hair and Tubbo looked up at him insulted. Ranboo squeezed his hand to ease him. "Well I'm Ben." the blond boy said to Tubbo. "I'm Luke." The brown haired boy told and Tubbo nodded to it and he somewhat was relaxing around them. Mainly because they were okay with him and Ranboo together. It seemed to make Ranboo happy, and that's what matters.

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