Chapter 47 : Return To Our Safe Place

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The two came off the plane to be welcomed with their friends' warming welcome with hugs, cheering, and slaps on the back all around. It felt good to be back to the school. This school was the best place for the two. The place the two met and where they fell in love. It was a pretty great place and they were happy that coming to the school for the rest of their years of learning would be here. That being at this school was now mandatory the moment you agreed for the first year. There was no turning back and they didn't plan to.

Now with the two back their friend group would be soon informed about them dating, starting with Tommy who got informed that day by Tubbo. Tommy was extremely happy for Tubbo and decided to have a celebration for the two's return and between the three, a celebration for the two dating and how beautiful the relationship had been so far. At the celebration Ranboo showed the photo album he had and showed a few photos taken while at California. Wilbur offered to print as many photos as Ranboo wanted which warmed Ranboo and made him smile.

On the weekend Ranboo held himself to the court through a zoom call. Ranboo explained his side of the story and informed which parent he wanted to be with. He chose his mom, saying that she was welcoming to Tubbo, which made Tubbo smile that he made his choice dependent on the small things like that and himself as well. He told that he still wanted involvement with his father but his father declined having anything to do with Ranboo which broke Ranboo's heart. It also broke Tubbo's heart and Tubbo questioned Ranboo's father angrily in front of the court though he didn't get an answer.

"You alright Boo?" Tubbo asked after the court session concerned. Ranboo sighed and looked down to the carpeted floor, "I don't understand why he doesn't care about me anymore. I thought he cared about me.". Tubbo nodded to Ranboo, understanding that it probably hurt him dearly and Tubbo wrapped himself around Ranboo in a sense to comfort him. Ranboo took the embrace gratefully, putting his head on Tubbo's shoulder's. The two were in their bedroom so Tubbo gently took off Ranboo's glasses and mask to be able to see Ranboo's face. His expression was full of sadness.

Ranboo was much like this for most of the weekend as Tubbo continued to try to comfort him with the help of his friends once and a while. On Sunday, Tubbo was able to make Ranboo feel better with a attempted batch of cupcakes. Though Tubbo had done it wrong since his dyslexia made him misread the directions. So instead Tubbo had presented Ranboo with something more like burnt muffins. Ranboo still loved the fact that he tried. The two made a proper batch of cupcakes together and gave them out to their friends who loved them and extreme amount.

The two were having a day to have a break from steaming, watching Wilbur's steam while cuddling on a chair. Tubbo decided to ask Ranboo a question while they were sitting there so comfortably. "Hey Boo?" Tubbo said with his voice having a pitch for a question. "What's up my Bee?" Ranboo asked looking down at Tubbo with curiosity in his glance. "Together forever? No matter what happens." Tubbo said his voice sounding slightly desperate for the agreement from his partner. Ranboo smiles warmly at Tubbo, kissing his head. Ranboo responds warmly, "I'll always be there for you my Bee. Together Forever I promise."

(( That's the end of the story everyone!! I hope you all enjoyed and are having a great life and had a great time being here on this adventure. I sure did enjoyed seeing this story flourish so beautifully and seeing the amount of readers climb and the interaction with the community through the chat being so friendly towards one another even when there was threats, they were never meaningful. Just joking around or stressing for the character's safety. I most deeply love my readers. They all care so much for the characters and each other. I loved writing this. Im making you a Sequel without a doubt. I'll see you guys around!
-Wolfy Out for the last time of this story))

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