Chapter 20 : Flutter and Fall

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(I'm alive and back!! Sorry for the cliffhanger and I'm so proud of Ranboo (irl) for coming out!! Not only is it something that's always great but it helps the influence of the story and I can actually say in the story he's gay gay without going against anything.)

(Ranboo's perspective)

Ranboo was enjoying the company of the friends he had made. He was surprised he hadn't met them already, them living in California like him. Aimsey, was surprisingly shorter than Tubbo and that felt good actually.  Ranboo's eyes fell on at once as Tubbo shyly came up to him as he was with Billzo and Aimsey. Knowing Tubbo hasn't met them, he introduced them to him, enjoying as Aimsey and Billzo smiled at Tubbo, giving warming hellos. "How can I help you Tubbo?" Ranboo asked curiosly, him being casual and relaxed.

Tubbo began fiddling nervously and Ranboo looked at Tubbo, concerned for his friend's well being. "I- I-" Tubbo stuttered, his voice faltering to nothing both times. There was a long pause and Aimsey looked at Ranboo with a confused look. What is going on with him? Ranboo asked himself in his head. His mind began trying catch on to what Tubbo is trying to say, his heart fluttering with hope Tubbo had a fun activity planned. Ranboo really enjoyed the things Tubbo thought of, some wildly impossible in a certain mindset. The idea usually is funny and that made Ranboo's day.

You know what nevermind. Bye." Tubbo's voice giving way he was stressed about it. He raced off and Ranboo's heart sank at once. The gripping pain that his friend had run off sinking in quickly, withering his good mood. Ranboo tried to bring himself up and so did his friends, but he had taken a toll from Tubbo's shy display that had caused him to run off out of sight. This hurt, this hurt a lot. Ranboo wanted to go after Tubbo, but wasn't sure if it was a smart move or if he should just let Tubbo be. Ranboo's eyes fell on his friends for advice.

"Go after him!" Aimsey told, pushing him forward. Ranboo looked at Aimsey, very thankful for his friend, though she was short, her pride stood taller than Ranboo any day. That's probably why he was so thankful he met her cause without her, he'd be lower than anything. It is always great to have a friend on his side, pushing him forward. This was his partner, his closest friend, someone he'd enjoy being around any day that she was encouraging to go encourage. She was never jelous of anything he has between anyone else. That's why the two of them work out so well as friends. She's always on his side.

Ranboo waves to his two friends and begins to walk towards the direction Tubbo had went. He wasn't actually sure exactly where Tubbo went but he hoped he'll be able to find him quickly so he doesn't let him be alone too long. He was hoping to make his friend feel better, he needs to feel better. He began walking around with every thought on Tubbo. He wasn't actually expecting Tubbo would be the one he'd have this to but it didn't really matter cause he doubted Tubbo would realize. Ranboo was one of those people that like to hint to something. He was always looking to make someone laugh or to find it funny himself. It didn't make a lot of sense for some people but he enjoyed keeping life enjoyable.

He finally found Tubbo, and his heart lifted up and he smiled at the sight of the British boy but deflating when he saw him curled up sobbing on a bench inside this building.

Oh Tubbo why must you cry.

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