Chapter 23 : Dance With Me

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Tubbo was with Tommy, entering the Gym which is where the Fall Dance was being held. It was a huge gym and there was a lot of kids. Some kids decided not to go because they didn't feel like caring about the American students. The room was 80% Americans 15% kids who just wanted to be at a dance, and 5% students who were friends or dating an American but weren't American themselves. Tubbo and Tommy were in that 5%. It made sense for them to be here when they're so close to Ranboo and Tubbo honestly needed a wingman.

Tubbo was wearing a green blazer with a white undershirt and Tommy was wearing a red blazer with a white shirt underneath and a small red bowtie. Tommy had definitely better looking but at least they both had dressed to impress. Tubbo though wasn't liking the looks girls were giving him and the hungry looks from some of the boys. He had let his hair be puffed up and made sure he held himself well and is smiling. Though the smile came naturally because his excitement. He was going to be able to enjoy himself with Ranboo. Tommy though was also here for the ladies and to comfort his friend.

He looked around and spotted Ranboo, he was easy to spot since he was so tall. Ranboo came up to Tubbo and shyly held out his hand. "A song will be starting soon and I was wondering if you'd want to join me." Ranboo said his voice quiet but loud enough to hear. Tubbo looked at Ranboo for a moment, blinking at the offer. He's asking me to join him in a dance?! His mind wasn't sure how to comprehend what was happening. He was completely astounded by Ranboo's act of kindness.

Tommy nudged Tubbo and he was brought to reality. "I'd love to" Tubbo said smiling and breathless. Ranboo was wearing his black blazer today and his red tie. He was wearing his glasses of course, he still hasn't showed his eyes to everyone else besides Tubbo. They agreed that Tubbo was allowed to see Ranboo's eyes and he'll take off his glasses when they're in their dorm or at places noone else is at. Their secret. Tubbo loved the idea of having secrets with Ranboo. It made him feel special knowing something noone else but his parents know about him. To be able to see a part of him noone else got to.

Tubbo gently put his hand in Ranboo's and Ranboo gently gripped it and led Tubbo to the somewhat empty circle in the middle of the room. This was where people went to dance with space from others. "Alright everyone I know how much you all love to slow dance with your lovers and close friends so here we go! Get your butt to the mid and make the circle bigger." The person on the mic said, "Unlike most schools we allow kissing at our dances so feel free to give them a few pecks.". Tubbo looked up at Ranboo curiosly. Did Ranboo know about the slow dance? Tubbo questioned himself.

Ranboo seemed unaffected from the announcer's announcement. "Did you know about this?" Tubbo questioned Ranboo who tilted his head down to him. "Maybe I did." Ranboo said cheekily. He knew and he still brought me out? Tubbo questioned in his head. Tubbo began thinking for his reasoning but got startled when Ranboo pulled him closer, lacing his fingers in one of Tubbo's hand and putting his other hand on his waist. Tubbo squeaked out of suprise and looked up at Ranboo wide eyed and blushing.

Ranboo seemed a little discomforted but was blushing as well. Tubbo slowly brought his arm up to put his free hand onto Ranboo's shoulder and he could feel Ranboo stiffen but relax. Ranboo slowly and gently led and Tubbo focused at first on getting on Ranboo's rythem and pace. It took a short amount of time to adjust but soon he could do it without too much thought. Tubbo put his face on Ranboo's chest and let himself focus on his friend's warmth and the music. It felt right to be here dancing with Ranboo like this. Though as far as Tubbo knew, Ranboo didn't see him like he did. It didn't matter though, he was extremely close to Ranboo and they haven't been like this ever.

He wasn't sure if this was right but he almost felt like Ranboo was waiting for something. Tubbo wasn't sure what he was waiting for, he hoped it wasn't to get away from him.

I really do wonder what's going on in his head right now.

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