Chapter 38 : Sleeping Is A Blessing

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(Ranboo's Perspective 🖤🤍)

Tubbo had fallen asleep and that was extremely comforting to know since he wasn't sure how hard it would be for him. He had fallen asleep while Ranboo was reading to him. Making up for the school he's missing that probably is nothing valuable. Ranboo definitely missed reading these books. He was a fan of books with a lot going on but there being some humor too. Luckily this author wrote those type of books and made Ranboo's day a little more interesting especially when he was younger and didn't have very many friends because the mask and glasses he wore though he hadn't been teased for it, only by the newer kids in town.

Nobody suprisingly teased him about it at the school both himself and Tubbo went to about it. Probably cause there was some kids like that more than most schools. Ranboo's reasoning though was different than safety reasons but instead because of his facial dysmorphia. He didn't think his face was worth the world, that he'd get more teased without it than with it. When people asked about it here at home, some other kid will say, "Facial Dysmorphia. He thinks his face is all messed up so he covers it up.". Some people didn't understand it no matter how hard kids will try to explain it though.

Though Ranboo trusted Tubbo with his face, he still wasn't sure about showing it all the time. He suspected that Tubbo will catch on to his problems but he wasn't seeing Tubbo ever say anything wrong about it so far. When Tubbo first said anything he said he was hot which startled him completely. What Tubbo saw was someone completely different than what Ranboo saw in himself. Maybe that's why he felt safer with Tubbo, cause Tubbo always had something nice to say about him. He never had anything to say wrong about Ranboo and that made him feel a little better about himself. He still saw something disgusting in his eyes but Tubbo saw someone gorgeous so he felt like maybe he should trust Tubbo's word for it.

Ranboo looked at the clock, 10 at night. Ranboo couldn't sleep even with Tubbo sleeping in his lap, sound asleep. His soft snores, the rise and fall of his chest, all making Ranboo feel safe and made him feel he could do anything to keep Tubbo safe and happy. Ranboo wished he had the same though. His father was gone, all of the sudden hsi family has fallen apart, his parents falling apart as he was gone. Now he had to choose who to stay with. He wasn't sure about it. He didn't want his father judging Tubbo every single second he visits. He didn't Tubbo to feel mistreated or not cared about ever. He didn't want to think he wasn't welcome into Ranboo's life, home, or family. He wanted Tubbo to be welcome into it. He wanted to have Tubbo in his life. Tubbo made him happy.

Ranboo knew then he was staying with his mom, keeping a close grip to the person that would except Tubbo as who he was. The person that welcomed Tubbo into their home warmly. The one that would except Ranboo as who he was, someone who fell for someone of his own gender. He knew the moment he said anything to his dad he'd be okay with people his gender but question the choice of Tubbo. His father thought the British accent was annoying and should stay in the U.K. In Ranboo's opinion, he liked the accent and he liked the people that had the accent. He'll just have to adjust to this change of life. Ranboo quietly put his mask on the dresser and smiled down at Tubbo. Anything for my bee.

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