Not Worthy

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It was like a mash work of torn skin and blood ,which was gushing out of the deep wounds ,some of them even reaching the bone, flowing down his back and staining his white dhoti red.
Duryodhana , yudhisthira and Arjun were shocked ,looked at his back with wide teary eyes , and fist tightening in anger.
It was Arjun who leaped towards dushashan wanting to tore off his limbs ,which has hurted his friend.
Dushashan was freezed in his spot after the three princes entered the cell.

Arjun was stopped by Yudhisthira, keeping a hand on his shoulder and asked him to free Vasusen first.

Arjun stepped towards Vasu to free him and started to undo his chains with as much care and compassion as he could ,so he would not jostle his friends wounds and cause him any more pain.

Sakuni spoke "stop right there, prince arjun." Then,he turned towards Duryodhana and said,"
Priya bhanje( dear nephew), you have no idea what this suta had done and as a master dushashan has all the rights to punish this servent for his crime."

"He was assigned to dushashan by pitamah,so dushashan is not really his master and you have no right to punish anyone without presenting them at the court and proofing them guilty, first."replied Yudhisthira,while Arjun kept helping Vasu in background.

"Bhrata shri , you are going to believe these Pandavas and take their side against your own brother." Said dushashan.

"Silent dushashan , I don't want to hear any of this non
sense , I have already tried to help you see reason but you are not ready to mend your ways ,now if you tried to stop us , god forbid I will put you through the same treatment as you did to Vasusen, myself." Duryodhana shouted angrily.

Dushashan was shocked and got scared.

"So,now a mere servent is more important to you than your own brother , Duryodhana."said sakuni trying to anger and plant a seed of hatred in dushashan's mind, more like  strengthening the feeling.

"Mamashree ,I know what you are trying to do and I will deal with both of you later, possible in the royal court,right now we are taking Mitra Vasu with us and I dare you try to stop us." Said Duryodhana.

So , the three of them took Vasusen to the palace infirmary, him trembling with pain under their hands ,where they were holding him to keep him upright.
They knew that he was in a lot of pain but not even a single sound or whimper escaped vasu's throat, making them wonder how he had such a tolerance for pain or strength to face all this.

When they reached the infirmary the medic told them that only members of royal family were allowed to  get treatment in the royal infirmary and he would not treat a suta.
They felt sadness and anger inside them, accepting the fact that many things in their so called great kingdom were not  great ,not even good and changes were needed to be made.

"Fine , it seems like we need to change many policies but for now get out of here because my friend is going to get treated here only." Said Yudhisthira ,he have had enough.

The medic ran in fear and then yudhisthira asked one of the servent to go and bring prince Sahadeva to the infirmary and if prince Nakul is back from his excursion , bring him too .
The got Vasusen seated on one of the beds, despite his protests ,while they waited for Sahdev to arrive.


After bringing that helpful servent to a safer place ,sahadev returned to the palace and was about to go and find his brothers ,when he came across his mother , bhabhishree Draupadi and some maids returning from temple.
Finding him so visibly disturbed ,Kunti asked him,if everything was fine?

He tried to tell them that everything was okay but could not lie properly.

Draupadi asked , " Is some one hurt Bharata, you seem in a rush are you going to treat someone?"

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