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Wooyoung opened his eyes and focused his sight with the slowness of every morning. It was Sunday and, although he had a couple of unfinished business, everything could wait while he felt the rays of the sun sneaking slightly through his window.

Then, when his senses fully awoke, he turned around, finding Y/N next to him. The girl slept soundly, still recovering energy from the previous day, while she hugged a pillow. Wooyoung was silent and looked at her for a few seconds, immediately feeling a peace invade his body.

He had been in that job for years. He had had a long time with difficulties and setbacks; things did not always turn out the way he planned and he had to act fast to fix it. Luckily, it took him only a couple of weeks to get used to the pace of life he had chosen.

However, this time he had overlooked a detail.


Wooyoung frowned slightly and carefully brought his hand closer to Y/N's face, ending up delicately caressing it with the back of his index finger. Unlike last night, the girl no longer had her swollen cheekbones and she only kept a small cut on her lip.

The boy shook his head and stroked her hair, getting up from the bed in complete silence, careful not to wake her.

So, he left the room and went to the kitchen.

It was 11:30 when Y/N woke up. When she opened her eyes she found herself alone in a large bed, hugging a pillow.

She frowned; she knew where she was, but she did not understand why she was lonely.

Then, before she could theorize about it, the door gently opened, letting Wooyoung in with a tray in his hands.

Y/N could not hide her surprise, much less hide it. The boy smiled slightly seeing that he would no longer have to interrupt her sleep, and approached her.

The girl took a seat on the bed slowly and winced as she felt a sharp pain in her ribs. However, after a few seconds she hid it and shook her head, seeking to ward off Wooyoung's watchful concern.

He helped the girl with the pillows behind her as best he could, and then placed the tray on her lap. Y/N looked at the toast and coffee she used to find in the mornings after sleeping with Jung, and she smiled slightly.

Then she looked up and tilted her head.

"Breakfast?" She asked, licking her lower lip, feeling the cut on it. "Why?"

"You must eat."

Y/N frowned at him, confused. That was obvious, but he did not answer what she had just asked.

"Are you... going to do something today?" she asked.

"Take care of you."

The girl fell silent, holding back a smile, and she raised her eyebrows at him. Then, she reasoned out the reason behind his decision, and shrugged:

"Bah, I've taken worse beatings, don't worry."

Wooyoung smiled helplessly, knowing full well that this was not true. Y/N only wanted to remove that concern that he carried; she did not want to make him feel responsible for her, much less for what had happened.

"In that case, all the more reason I won't let anyone lay a finger on you again." He sentenced, making eye contact with her pupils. "I won't let them hurt you."

Y/N instantly noticed the seriousness in the boy's eyes and voice. Wooyoung was not kidding about it; regardless of whether he felt guilt or responsibility, he had made up his mind.

Now nothing would make him change that. They both knew it.

Then, Y/N smiled resignedly, leaving that conversation aside and giving him a little sign with her head to indicate him to come closer.

Wooyoung, without looking away from her eyes, moved a few inches, crouching slightly to be at her height. As he approached, the girl took one of the toasts and brought it to his lips.

"You must also eat."

Wooyoung giggled and looked away from her, back into the distance.

"I'll go to do mine."

"No." The voice of Y/N interrupted his intentions to walk out of the place. The boy moved his gaze to hers again, and he remained silent. "Stay," she said. I'll do the rest."

A smile appeared on Wooyoung's face as he recognized the reference to his own words, and shook his head, amused and resigned, walking around the bed and approaching her again. Then he settled down next to her and looked at her for a few seconds. Y/N smiled when she saw him and closed her eyes for a few seconds:


When they finished breakfast, Y/N settled back in bed and fell asleep once again. Wooyoung limited himself to appreciating her for long minutes while he ensured her safety and let her recover from all the wear and tear that her body had suffered.

Then he quietly got up from the bed and left the room. He did not want to interfere with her rest, but he had to start his day sooner or later.

He headed to the main room and took the laptop, settling on the couch and logging on. As soon as it was ready, he directly checked his email inbox, coming across an email sent by Jeong Yunho.

He frowned slightly and opened the file. Although he was used to receiving work details by mail from him, Yunho never spoke to him without it being necessary. Really necessary.

Wooyoung licked his lips and put the laptop down on the table in front of him to make himself more comfortable. He rested his forearms on his knees and leaned forward, giving each of the written words his full attention.

By the time he finished reading his partner's report, there was not even a trace of a smile on his face. His expression had a serious countenance and his body was immobile, as he was every time he considered his options.

Then he took a deep breath and grunted under his breath.

He opened a new email in response and wrote precisely what he needed to know.

"Place and time."

Then he sent the message.
Simple. Specific. Strict.

Although drug dealing was reliable and fast money, it was not something he could play with.That was something that Wooyoung was very clear about.

The Drug of a Sinner // Jung WooyoungWhere stories live. Discover now