Chapter 9: A Konosuba Adventure

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It's cloudy and dark today and the grassy rolling hills outside of Neo Orario feel so empty, like an outdoor version of the Backrooms. It feels like something could come out and attack at any moment. The only thing keeping this from feeling like a borderline horror movie is the banter going on around me. "When I see the toads I'm gonna use God Blow to send them into the next system!" Aqua yells.

"Yeah, how did that go last time?" Kazuma asked deadpanned.

"I-I-I was going easy on it last time, yeah that's right!" Aqua stammered.

"Who do you think you're kidding you stupid Goddess? You try that again you'll just get yourself eaten again."

"To think we're back here again so soon, the thought of getting stuck in those slimy 'pant' disgusting creatures is too much to take," Darkness says her face bright red.

"Would you stop getting weird, Darkness! If you get eaten too then it'll make this a lot harder!"

"If that happens I'll just blow 'em all up! Leave it to me, Kazuma, there won't be a trace of them left!" says Megumin.

"If you do that there won't be any trace of US left!"

I chuckle at the continued banter between the party of loveable assholes, man it feels nice to have some company on a job for once. I'm starting to sense the presence of the giant toads up ahead so it's time to interject. "OK, everyone, we should start focusing on what's ahead," I say, "what was your game plan last time you came out here?"

None of them say anything at first, they just shift awkwardly, "well usually Kazuma and Aqua run right in and attack them, then I use explosion, and then Darkness tries to attack," Megumin says.

"In that order?"

"No, it changes up every now and then."

"In other words, they have no strategy, I expected no less from this party. OK, well if we wanna complete this quest then we can't do that. Do these toads have any special abilities or attributes?"

"Is slime an attribute?" asked Megumin making Aqua shiver.

"Heh, no I don't think so. Let's see, they're toads so that means they'll be far jumpers and have a long sticky tongue..."

As I'm weighing our options, we come to the top of one of the rolling hills, and down below we see a bunch of giant toads, they're mostly just sitting there but one or two of them take a random jump. OK, this tells me all I need to know; if we don't wanna get overwhelmed we need to make sure whichever one we wanna kill is isolated. "Y/N, you seem like you've got a handle on this, you got a plan?" asked Kazuma.

"I'm workin' on something," I say.

Before I can think any further Aqua gets pissed looking at the toads that had eaten her previously and runs out of patience. "Rrrgh, don't you look at me like that you disgusting monsters! I won't let you best me again!!!" she shouts as she charges down the hill.

Before Kazuma can yell at her to hold up I use the Force to lift her into the air and bring her back to us. "Come on, Y/N let me go! I need to teach those things not to mess with the glorious goddess Aqua!"

"First of all, Goddess?" I say deciding to once again play dumb to that fact.

"Yes Goddess, I am the great goddess Aqua, the goddess of water worshipped by the Axis Sect," she says proudly.

"OK, I've got several questions but that can wait until we're done with this quest. Second, if you go charging in like you did before you'll just get eaten."

"That won't happen this time!"

"How do you plan on keeping them from eating you?"

Aqua goes stiff, once again she has no plan. She stops struggling so I release her. "OK then, if we want to take them down easier then we have to deprive them of their best assets. Does anyone here besides Megumin have any long-range attacks?"

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