Chapter 16: A Day with Devils

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The first day of training ended up being pretty successful. And by that I mean I was able to make the magic light ball slightly bigger. So far my magic potential isn't looking too great. That doesn't mean I won't keep trying though. Now it's a new day and all of us are walking. Where to? Kuoh Academy!!! I'm really about to see where it all happens! On the way back, Rias gave me a lot to ponder over. She explained the exact history of devil houses since the Great War and it's just like Hestia said. Also just like in the anime the only houses of pure-blooded devils left are the houses of Gremory, Sitri, and Phenex. She clearly wasn't fond of Riser Phenex, no surprise there. What was surprising was what she told me next; apparently, the whole arranged marriage plot has already happened, they actually held the Rating Game which included Rias' current lineup and she WON against Riser. Apparently, the huge boost in strength of her peerage in the form of the newly joined Xenovia, Gasper, and Rossweisse helped them bring down Riser.

Now that was a plot point I didn't expect. So because of that, Rias no longer has to marry into the Phenex clan but that hasn't stopped Riser from trying to organize a rematch for a second chance at her. Thankfully for Rias, she gets to decide whether or not that happens so she's in no danger of being forced into it again. Good thing, just hearing about that arrogant piece of shit makes me want to kick his ass.

As we round the corner, the distant sound of kids my age talking and laughing. It all sounds very happy and friendly but all that chatter is overlain with a dark aura that signals this is demon territory. It kinda feels like one of those haunted high schools, it's hella ominous. But that ominousness fades away the second we arrive on campus. There are so many people in this school and buy and large everyone seems happy and friendly. Back home I didn't need the Force to know that drama and bitterness was always in the air. It's such a refreshing change of pace also no surprise; it's mostly girls in there.

Walking through campus is such a surreal experience; the first thing I notice is most of the students looking in our direction, specifically at Rias and Akeno. Again, no surprise, I think they along with Sona and her peerage are like the school idols. Unlike everyone else who is wearing their Kuoh Academy uniforms, I'm just wearing some casual clothes; a short-sleeved purple undershirt, an unbuttoned button-up black shirt and jeans, good lord I feel out of place. As soon as we walk into the main building everyone goes their separate ways; Asia, Xenovia, and Irina go one way, Koneko goes another, and Akeno walks off in yet another. "I'll catch up with you, Akeno," Rias says.

"OK, I'll see you in class," Akeno waves.

"So do I fit into all this?" I ask.

"I'll introduce you to some friends of ours; remember what I told you about the other devil houses yesterday?"


"Our good friend is Sona Sitri, to the rest of the student body she's known as Sona Shitori but she's actually the next head of the House of Sitri. She's also the Student Council President here at Kuoh Academy."

"Wait, so I just got here and I'm about to meet Sona Sitri herself?! That was quick!" I think, but also... "So basically I'll be baby-sat by the student council?"

"Nothing like that," Rias giggles, "They'll just be the ones to guide you around the school and answer any questions. With the proper permissions, you can even use some of the facilities and equipment."

"Now we're talking, lots of opportunities to cause some mayhem, hehe," I joke.

"Just as long as you don't get yourself hurt you can do as you please. Well, here we are."

Rias opens the double doors to a big room; the room is big enough to be a classroom but it has two large tables surrounded by chairs and a main desk at the back. Currently occupying said desk is Sona Sitri! The calm and collected aura she has about her is almost majestic, the same with her vice president, Tsubaki Shinra who's off to the side handling other things.

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