chapter 21 ebony black

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To say izuku was confused was a uderstament. His copy not only confessed to being him but actually thinks he's the copy. Izuku wasn't going to let that happen because he know he was the fake.

Izuku "I'm the real izuku not you. You don't even look like me."

Izuku2 "I am me, buddy and who are you to say I'm not. Your the one made of mist not me."

Izuku was getting impatient with the copy and activation his quirk. Glove making is signature revving sound. The copy seems shocked and stood up.

Izuku "I don't know what your doing here or why you look like me but I'm putting a end to this now."

his copy looked at him and his gloves and laughed. He laughed as loud as he could for 1 minute making izuku even more confused.

Izuku2 "you think, you can beat me with that mess. I would be insulated if it wasn't so funny"

Izuku was getting madder at his copy's constant demeaning comments And punch him or tryed to punch him. His copy court his fist with a white armoured hand and pushed him back. The copy laughed some more and walked towards him.

Izuku2" well I'm impressed with the power but the execution it piss poor. Fake or not its disappointing to see."

The copy starts to scratch his chine and looked up. Wondering something and the original started to rapidly attack him in a combo of punches. Only for the copy to avoid every one of them without looking down.

Izuku2 "now that im thinking about it I can't keep calling you fake, can I?. I'll just have to call you something else."

Izuku through's a haymaker at the copy actually hitting something this time. But his fist hit a shield of energy infront of his copy.

Izuku2 "I know! I'll call you ebony black. Like the smoke your made of. What do you think ebony? "

Izuku "I'm thinking why cant I sense what you'll do!"

Izuku2 "oh that, it detects danger, me dodging and pushing you into snow isn't dangerous. And I bet your small mind can't even comprehend what I'm doing!"

Izuku was at miss when it came to his copy it seems like he has completely different quirks and it's getting confusing.

Izuku "ho-"

Izuku2" 'how do I have some many powers' That's what you where going to say right?. Well that answers is obvious. I'm just using one at a time."

Izuku "what?"

The copy just leans on a tree and folded his arms.

Izuku2 "I have 6 quirks within my power currently. You are using them all at once making each of them weaker then if you used them on there own. Ebony don't tell me you forgot about that, I'd feel sorry for you if you did. But what can I expect from a inferior copy. "

The copy then though a ball off energy at izuku. This time it was Izukus trun to dodge while he talked.

Izuku "but I'm ment to use them all at once it doesn't work if I don't. "

The copy started to shoot beams form his hands. He answered back to him while he's doing it.

Izuku2 "while it's true you need to use the black whip and energy shot together. It doesn't mean you have to use the rest with it. Like the weapons you have stored in our quirk doesn't have to be used while using the rest."

Izuku hit his copy I'm this face while he was distracted by talking actually making him bleed. Much to the copy's dissatisfaction. It wiped the blood from his mouth and looked at izuku with glowing red eyes. Before Izuku know it the copy was in his face with his hand logged in his chest.

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