二 (Enter: Konohamaru)

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Yusa Pov ~ the next day ~
Today, I gave the photo of me to the Hokage an left the room. I walked outside, sat on the swing and practise my lighting element.

"Wow! You are really unique, aren't you, Yusa."a voice scared the crap out of me and I grabbed my kunai, turn around and defend myself.

"Woah hey, how many times must you do this to me?"Sasuke asked.
"Until you stop sneaking up behind me,"I said coldly as I relaxed and put back my kunai.
"How is it possible to control lightning? I thought that only the ninjas from the lightning village could!"Sasuke exclaimed.
"Well, I'm going to be the strongest ninja in the whole world, believe it."I said, imitating Naruto with the 'believe it' and smirking at Sasuke.

"Sasuke, what are you doing with that girl, she is not your type!"Sakura shouted towards us and insulted me. I balled my hands into a fist.
"Sakura, you're not going to interfere! You got me?"Sasuke growled at her and she immediately backed off. Sasuke must have seen my fist, so he stood up for me. Any ways I dislike people insulting me.

"I'm just going to go now, bye." I said and jumped into the trees beside. I'm also good at controlling chakra and I have no idea why I'm that strong, but not strong enough to be the strongest of all, I still need to train.

Naruto Pov
I was walking home to get another stupid photo of myself when I heard something behind me. I turned around and saw a ball with slippers on the streets, it was weird. I used some type of technique and I can see that it was that kid named Konohamaru. I know he was following me, so I continued walking. I was starting to get annoyed so when I turned around, he hid in another cloth.

"I know you are following me so just give up." I said coldly and annoyed.
"That's so obvious it's so pathetic."I said when he was not coming out of cover even though I already know it's him.
So we talked and talked for a long time so I'll just skip it hehe.

Original (NᎪᎡᏌᎢᎾ, KᎪKᎪᏚᎻᏆ, ᏚᎪᏚᏌKᎬ ᎪNᎠ ᏆᎢᎪᏟᎻᏆ ᏞᎾᏙᎬ ᎢᎡᏆᎪNᏩᏞᎬ)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora