十四 (The Number One Hyperactive, Knucklehead Ninja Joins the Fight!!)

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| Episode 14 |


Yusa Pov

Then, a cloud smoke appeared and Naruto came out of it. He started ranting and talking nonsense and finally noticed me and Sasuke. He gave Sasuke a glare and turned back to Haku.

"Naruto!" Sakura shouted in relief. Naruto talked and talk. When he was done, Sensei and Sasuke looked annoyed.

"Shadow clone jutsu!" Naruto shouted, doing some hand signs. Zabuza noticed and instantly threw shuhrikens at him. He stood there in shock, not moving an inch.

"Naruto, move!" Sensei shouted. Luckily, Haku threw needles at the shurikens to stop it from hurting Naruto.

The two weapons clashed together and dropped onto the ground. Zabuza gasped, not knowing why Haku saved Naruto.

"What are you doing Naruto? Are you crazy!" Sakura shouted.

"This is a battle, not a talent show. Don't let your opponent see your jutsu." Sensei said. Naruto looks like he has noticed his mistake. "The shinobi art is deception: always keep the enemy guessing. Even when executing a single jutsu, one must distract their opponent's attention, catch them off balance and out manoeuvre them. You just turn yourself into a human target when you enter a battle like that." Naruto looked fearful and shouted.

"Ah! I'm sorry. I'm just trying to rescue everybody!" Naruto shouted.

"But, there's another mystery here." Sensei said, looking at Haku. Haku stood up just to get reprimanded.

"Haku, what are you doing?" Zabuza asked.

"Zabuza, this boy. Let me fight him my own way, please." Haku pleaded, getting ready.

"Bring it on!" Naruto shouted.

"So, you just want me to leave this to you, eh Haku?" Zabuza said. "As usual, you're too soft."

I looked at Sasuke as he tried to stand up. Soft, he thought. Then, he continued thinking and I sort of agreed him at the first part. Naruto threatened Haku and pointed a finger at him.

Sasuke Pov

Haku and Naruto conversed while me and Yusa watched. I noticed him paying all attention to Naruto and use this chance.

"While you're jabbering, I'll catch You off guard!" I thought, throwing a kunai knife at him. Unfortunately, he dodged it!

"I haven't forget about you, not for an instant." Haku said calmly, making me rage. He then continued talking and walked into the mirror.

"Here he comes." I thought, Yusa nodded as we see him in the mirror in front of me.

I quickly looked around and noticed the real him was in front of me. I reach for my kunai pouch but something stopped me.

"I'm behind you." Haku said. I turned around and saw him now behind, holding needles in his hand. I turned back to the front and noticed he was not there!

"He transported there in an instant!" I thought, shivering with fear. Haku then started appearing in all the mirrors again. In a blink of an eye, needles started cutting me and I quickly shield myself.

After he stopped, I fell on the ground. I looked at Yusa and saw her slowly standing up. She really is strong.

"Sasuke! Yusa!" Sakura shouted.

"Sasuke! Yusa!" Naruto shouted as well, a hint of concern in his voice.

I sit up and kneeled on the ground, thinking on how I should attack.

"Yes! It's about position. Naruto, Yusa and I are in the perfect position. If Yusa and I attack from the inside, he could attack from the outside. We could do it." I thought.

"Hey, Sasuke. I snuck in here to save you and Yusa." Naruto whispered, I turned around and gasped.

"Pretty cool move, eh Sasuke?" Naruto complimented himself, making me rage with anger.

"Naruto! Why did you come in here? We could have won!" Yusa shouted at Naruto, rolling her eyes.

Me and Naruto started scolding each other while Yusa stood there, trying to analyse Haku's moves.

"Fire style:" I was cut of by Naruto asking while doing hand signs.

"These mirrors are made of ice. And how do you destroy ice? Think about it. Fire ball jutsu!" I continued, blowing fire at the ice. After the fire settled, I noticed the ice didn't melt. How's that possible!

"That didn't do anything at all!" Naruto shouted.

"You'll need more heat to melt this ice." Haku said.

"Alright, let me try." Yusa stepped forward and said. She did some hand signs and a pool of lava was being splashed against the mirrors. Wow! When did she have fire nature? The lava slowly disappeared and the ice melted half way. She's amazing!

Haku snorted and the mirrors all became bright. We shielded ourselves but ended up falling onto the ground. Naruto and Yusa stood up again while I sat on the ground. Naruto said all the things I have thought about and it doesn't really help much.

"Shadow clone jutsu!" Naruto shouted.

"No!" Yusa and I warned. The clones all jump into the air and instantly turn into clouds. The real Naruto fell to the ground. Yusa ran to him and started healing him instead of her own. I looked at the mirrors and tried to see through his moves. Naruto started saying about dreams which Haku became interested in.

"It was not my desire to become a shinobi, it's painful. I don't want to kill you. But if you advance, I'll have no choice. Then I will kill the kindness in my own heart, and fully embrace the shinobi way. And there will be no mercy, no turning back. This bridge will be the battlefield where our dreams collide. Now I must fight for my dream, just like how you fight for yours. Please don't blame me. I fight for someone who is precious to me. I live for him and I face death for him. So that his dream will become a reality. That is my dream. And if I must, I will act as a shinobi and take your lives." Haku finished his speech. The three of us smiled as he was finally going to act as a shinobi.


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