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I decided to get to bed even though it was like 4 Pm but I was tired so I set out some clothes in the bathroom then went to put my phone on the charger when suddenly It started ringing. It was an unknown number but I decided to answer anyways.

U~ unknown number
I~ izuku

I~ Hello?

U~ Hi is this izuku midoryia?

I~ Um yes what do you need?

U~ simple only for you to come back to UA

I~ sorry that's not gonna happen

U~ really? Even if we said we have your precious mother?

I~ your bluffing

U~ really then answer my video call

I then answered the call only to be met with a horrid sight

I~ MOM!!!

M~ Honey please don't come back I want you to be happy for my sake!


U~ all you have to do is come back


U~ Well I'm sorry but you know way to much of the hero agencies and things that we can't have you saying to anyone.

I~ What if I give the quirk the back? And I swear to never tell anyone I can even do UA online please I'm begging you!

U~ hm you sound sincere we'll let her go and set the arrangements don't forget you have school tomorrow~~~

I~ okay bye...


'well it looks like I'm not getting any sleep tonight' I thought to myself while wiping the tears off my face then stepping into the bathroom.

'well it looks like I'm not getting any sleep tonight' I thought to myself while wiping the tears off my face then stepping into the bathroom

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I changed it a pink nightgown and even though I didn't want to I had to go downstairs since I was hungry and hadn't eaten for a few days.

I went downstairs and found a lot of people in the living room I noticed them to be the avengers they all looked towards me shocked and I couldn't understand why so I just went to the fridge and found only vegetables.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!?! ARE YOU ON A FUCKING DIET OR ARE YOU JUST NOT HUMAN!!!" I yelled accidentally then got up and covered my mouth "erm sorry..." I said looking at everyone who was staring at me it looked like they were having a meeting. I sighed and realized I had to call the animals.
"Guys I know your there" I said then the animals came out from an open window   can one of you get me some apples and Grapes please" the squirrel and the cat nodded and as I waited for them to come back a man with long blonde hair came up to me and said "my lady it's lovely to meet you" before bowing down
"Um I'm sorry I'm a male I just prefer female clothes" I said as he looked up at me surprised ^I'm very sorry I misjudged^ oh he's a gentleman. I left to sit down waiting for the animals to come back when they kept asking me so many questions it was annoying finally the animals came back and I gave them both kisses saying thank you then left to my room where I opened my window and invited them in to hang out I ended up making a whole tree in my room for the birds and squirrels to sleep in since it was freezing outside once everyone was settled I went to bed setting and alarm for school.

Alright let me know if you want another chapter

♡My Darling♡ (izuloki, lokideku) RARE STORY Where stories live. Discover now