⚠️Personal Chapter⚠️

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ALRIGHT originally i have 4 siblings and i am the middle child.

Theirs my older sister- 20
Older brother- 14
Younger brother-10
Youngest brother-7

These are our current ages rn I'm turning 13 in 2 months

Alright so we are actually going 7 years back to when my youngest brother was born

During this time we had no babysitter so when my mother was going into labor our dad rushed us to the hospital with all the kids packed in there and during the time we had a Lincoln Navigator so it was big for us.

Our dad told us to stay in the car while he took our mom to have our brother we were very happy and excited to have him.

We stayed in the car for like 3 hours and during this time we had played on our older sisters phone while she watched us and our dad came every like 30 minutes to check on us he gave us water and snacks and turned on the ac saying it was going to be a while.

If your asking why we did not go in that hospital its because we tried and they didn't allow us inside saying no one was there to watch us and they didn't want us getting lost so we had to go back to the car.

Right after our dad left to check on our mom something bad happened

Someone called the police saying we were abandon in a hot car when it was cold btw cuz of the AC so yeah yada yada yada and we got thrown in foster homes yeah so i started developing trust issues but i never showed it.

Anyway timeskip 2 years

We had been living with our grandparents on our mothers side since she didn't want us with strangers and said she would visit us soon

Btw we only stayed with strangers for like 3 months

But one bad thing our grandparents did not like our mother because their very mean when we had a project in school they would try and make us fail by not getting supplies even after we asked them too their reason was "your school should provide you with materials".

They forbade mom and dad from seeing us saying they would kick them out and call police so our parents stayed away.

After this they would daily remind us that our parents didn't want us and that they never loved us and they left us here because they didn't want us anymore and they were never coming back.

They would often say our mom was the devil because she didn't want to be christian and other religions are horrible because their praying satan.

Yeah and they said they would keep "purifing" us saying she tried to turn us into little demon children and being christian was the only thing that could save our poor tainted souls.

So yeah umm our parents had sent us Nintendo to keep us company because we told them how they were treating us btw our parents are all the way in new york while we are now in georgia.

After that a few months after they sent us phones it was samsung galaxy Aoe i think? And sent our sister a laptop to do her school.

So we called them everyday...

By the time our sister was 15 she went to an online dating app and got a boyfriend she would always call him and soon we talked to him too i was 8 by this time i think and my sister went downstairs and left us alone when we were alone he asked me to go to the bathroom and take my clothes off and show him my body i didn't want to but he said he would tell my sister i said i hated him and i wanted to kill him because he was so ugly and at this point i knew he would and my sister would believe him so i did and when she came back we acted like nothing happened but everytime we were alone on the phone he would always say you look prettier than your sister or your body is much more curvy and better then your sister.

I was getting uncomfortable but i couldn't tell anyone so i kept it to myself since i loved my sister. We got taken to a small house that our parents bought and lived with them after they took custody over us.

I later found out that my aunt was the one who put my sister on the dating app.

We lived in the house for 3 years and during that my sister got pregnant at 16 and gave birth at 17 to a baby boy he was my favorite and since my sister had no experience my dad and mom raised the baby until he was 1 years old.

When the baby was a few month i always wanted to feed him and play with him so everytime i did when he fell asleep so did i cuz he was tiring and one night i fell asleep with him in my arms and i was slowly waking up up too tired to open my eyes when suddenly i felt a hand caress my thigh and a finger slowly rubbing my private part i was uncomfortable and i honestly think my quick thinking save my life that night because everyone was asleep so no one would've known if he had touched me that night.

I pretended to move in my sleep and fall off the bed waking up i said my head hurt and i went to lay in my bed.

He had tried this multiple but never got that close for example he would ask me to give him kisses i never did or try to make me sit on his lap.

He threatened me multiple times never to tell anyone or he would hurt me really bad and everytime he went to the store he would always get me candy but i knew this was just to insure that i never told.

That was the last straw i ran to my parents room and woke them up crying they asked me what was wrong and i explained everything my dad was livid and almost killed him that night my sister stopped him.

They moved out when she turned 18 but their house was not livable so they had to come back.

Anyways we moved out 3 months later when they found an apartment and left.

We visited their apartment and they visited us and that was in the past.

Now its been 5 years since we live with our grandparents and 2 since we lived in the old house and 1 year with no contact from my sister.

We dealt with the situation and we no longer talk to them.

I have moved on but still have trauma from the incident

I now have anxiety

A really dirty mind

Depression? Yeah idk

And I'm bisexual but i can't tell anyone because my family is homophobic


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