28. Guidance

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Walking into Craig's hospital room, Carissa feared what they'd see. She was especially concerned for Taylor.

The nurse at the nurse's station informed them that Craig was bruised, cut up, had several broken bones including; his left arm, right leg, and several ribs. He also had a collapsed lung and was in a coma, which meant he wouldn't know they were there or be able to respond. She also told them he was on life support, meaning he wasn't breathing on his own.

Hearing all this, Carissa was pretty well aware of what to expect when they entered, but she also feared Taylor seeing his brother for the first time, and her having to try to explain why he was dressed as a woman, with his hair, nails, and makeup done. This is not the setting in which she wanted that to happen.

When Carissa laid eyes on Craig, it was definitely him and she told the detective as much, but she was confused, yet also relived to find his face and nails were devoid of any trace of his salon experience and his hair was tucked away in a man bun, which Taylor might not notice.

At least I won't have to explain all that, she told herself with a sigh of relief.

Taylor took one look at his brother and quickly turned away, unable to continue looking at him with all the tubes and monitors attached to his face, arms, and chest.

Carissa saw the tears began to trickle down Taylor's face and she wrapped her arms around the child.

A nurse entered the room and asked if they were next of kin. Carissa let her know that Craig was Taylor's brother. She then introduced herself to the nurse as Craig's fiancée. She also explained there was no other family.

Taylor was too broken up to notice what Carissa called herself.

The detective exited the room and a nurse asked Carissa if they would walk with her to the waiting area at the end of the hall.

Once they were there she asked the girls to stay in the waiting room while she talked to Carissa privately.

Taylor and Kaylee took a seat and the nurse took Carissa to a small chapel next door.

There she explained the extent of Craig's injuries and explained to Carissa that they didn't expect Craig to recover any time soon, if at all.

"Neurology will be conducting a brain scan in a few hours to look for activity. If there is none found, the doctor will recommend pulling the plug," she explained. "Of course, even if there is, it doesn't necessarily mean he will recover. Only time will tell."

Carissa took a seat and began to cry. The nurse left after assuring Carissa she would let her know as soon as the test was completed.

As soon as the nurse was out of the room, her tears stopped and she looked up.

Carissa's situation and actual feelings for her victims wasn't normally ever positive at all. She genuinely didn't care about them, any of them, and that included Craig.

She was a user, an abuser. She always got what she wanted from guys, which was to destroy their masculinity, turn them into effeminate, non-productive, chemically castrated, worthless dependants, that could no longer provide for or take care of themselves, and then she'd move on to the next.

She believed masculinity was in most cases, toxic and she was liberating the world one unsuspecting guy at a time.

Every one of her victims had been destroyed this way. She would, if need be, destroy their relationships with their families to isolate them, groom them, and convince them that as long as they lived as her female lover, she was the only person on earth who truly loved them.

She would create a situation where they couldn't get a job and was totally dependent on her for survival, then pump them so full of female hormones they had no desire to return to a male life nor would ever have use of their manhood even if they did. She left every one of them chemically castrated, with shriveled, limp, irreparably damaged appendages, hanging uselessly between their legs.

Two of her victims so far, had been convinced by her to seek gender reassignment surgery (onr of those having completed the physical transition) and another victim having since commited suicide.

Due to the extremely horrific physical and sexual abuse she endured at the hands of her father and uncle, beginning as a toddler and not ending until she got away at the age of fifteen, she actually hated men, not all men, but she could tell which ones were bad and that included every one of them that ever showed an attraction to her.

She had decided it was her life's mission to destroy every one of them she could. That included the father of her child, Kaylee. She tried to convince him to accept feminization but he flatly refused to submit so he destroyed his relationship with his offspring and ran him off.

She saw every situation as a case of destroying them before they had a chance to destroy her or any other female. She believed that deep down, any man who found her attractive, was just a demonic, evil, woman abusing, toxic animal, a cancer that needed removing from society.

Because of this, she didn't exactly care about Craig nor the condition he was currently in. In fact, she was actually quite relieved that she wouldn't have to waste months on him, working to destroy him. Instead she could turn her attention to something that would be less stressful, a little different, and actually fun.

For her, this presented a new opportunity, something different, which is why she introduced herself as Craig's fiancé. Taylor had nowhere else to go, so she would have to go home with her and Kaylee.

Carissa didn't see Taylor as a toxic male that needed destroying. She saw Taylor as an innocent child in need of influence and assistance. Not knowing the full situation, she genuinely believed Taylor hated having been born a boy and had already been trying to correct that when they met.

Seeing how Taylor was almost there already, Carissa was going to nurture Taylor, help her blosoom into the lovely young lady she wanted to become, show her how vastly superior to men, women were, and groom her, along with her own child, to understand how dangerous, and toxic men were.

She knew she had to complete the work before Craig ever came out of his coma, to ensure he didn't have a chance to influence Taylor in the wrong direction.

If Craig didn't recover, then as soon as the plug was pulled, she was going to persue adoption of Taylor.

No man is going to stop her from becoming the girl she's meant to be. She's lucky she found me. Carissa told herself.

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