38. BFFs

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The following week, Taylor spent a lot of time outside of school work, thinking about Astrid and every thing she had told them about her life.

Being around, and learning about her, caused Taylor to think a lot about his own situation. He now had more questions than answers.

Then, on Monday afternoon, out of the blue, and for no reason that Taylor could determine, Carissa suprised him with a gift.

It was after dinner. Kaylee and Taylor cleared the table, placing drinking glasses and silverware in the dishwasher, as was the norm every night. There really wasn't much to do, since Carissa rarely cooked at all without Craig there.

Most nights, if they didn't go out Carissa ordered dinner from a delivery app. Tonight had been one of those delivery nights.

Once everything had been put away, Carissa called Taylor into the living room, where she presented him with a rectangular box wrapped in plain brown paper and tied up with a ribbon around it.

As he started unwrapping the box, Carissa began to explain.

"Taylor, I know Craig thought he was doing the best he could to take care of you, but there were, well, things he didn't do for you that he should have and some that . . . he, um, he just couldn't do because those things need a woman. I want to try to be a better parent to you than he was. I know he tried his best, but he is your brother and he's, well he's male. Men are weak, simple minded creatures that can't possibly raise a girl like another woman can, especially a special girl like you."

Taylor now had the ribbon off the box and had discovered what was inside, three little training bras with tiny, foam molded cups.

Taylor picked the first one up and held it out away from his body as if he feared it might give him cooties to get too close to it or that it might suddenly cause large breasts to sprout from his chest.

"Sweetie, I've been trying to think of how I could support you and help you to feel comfortable as a girl. You're at the age when the girls around you will soon starting getting breast, some are already. I know that if it hasn't yet, it soon will start to make you feel uncomfortable that they're getting womanly curves and you aren't, so I figured this might help boost your confidence."

And who knows, maybe," Carissa explained with a cheeky grin, "once you start wearing them your body will get the hint and start trying to fill them for you."

By now Taylor had discovered there was something else underneath the bras, and wasn't exactly paying attention to what she was saying at the moment.

Taylor discovered a smart phone box was nestled between sheets of tissue paper underneath the bras and he had it open by the time Carissa finished.

As Taylor removed the phone from its box and started it up, Carissa began explaining, "All young ladies need their own phone, for safety. Having one affords you the opportunity to call for help anytime you find yourself in an uncomfortable situation or anytime you just want to check in with an adult. Now that you have a boyfriend, you need a phone so you can easily talk to him or call me when you're out with him and he tries anything. 'Cause no boy can ever really be trusted. None of them. Ever. Do you understand?"

"Yes, ma'am," Taylor replied. "Thank you."

"Also, you need all the help you can get in your quest to transition into the beautiful young lady you are becoming. You deserve the privacy to be able to look up anything you need to without having to sneak around and worry about anyone else seeing your undeleted, late night internet search history. A smart phone with internet at your fingertips will become an invaluable tool for helping guide you along this beautiful journey."

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