5: The New Plan

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Walnut gets out of bed and thought it would be a good idea to find Cream Puff. She sits down on one of the chairs of the dining room and doesn't even notice Cream Puff was next to her.

"Hey, good morning." She said softly, trying to make eye contact with Walnut.

She didn't say anything, all she did was eat her breakfast and didn't bother answering Cream Puff.

"Sorry, I didn't sleep enough last night." Walnut rubbed her eyes.

"What time did you sleep last night then?"

"2 am, Madeleine made an appointment to find his lost Carter. And may I add that it scooted over on Espresso's workplace in their house."


"It's his Cake Hound."

Cream Puff couldn't say anything else, so she left Walnut to eat in peace.

Waiting for her to finish, she was told by Latte before that she was doing her best to improve her relationship with Almond. Cream Puff suddenly came up with an idea. what if she, no, we help them again?

Walnut fell asleep while trying to take a sip out of her glass filled with strawberry milk. Her eyelids were beginning to fail on her, she had stay up a little longer. Cream Puff ran to see if she was interested in helping Latte and Almond.

"Hey! I have an idea! ...Walnut?"

She tapped her shoulder if she was paying any attention. She went in front of her and saw that Walnut was fast asleep. Cream Puff got her glass and placed in it in the refrigerator to keep it from being nudged. Almond noticed Cream Puff putting a blanket over her.

"Hey, is something wrong?" He checked on both of them.

"Yeah, it's just Walnut fell asleep."

"I see, I'll take her to bed."

Almond wrapped the blanket around her to make her look like a burrito and carried her. He was about to go upstairs until Cream Puff tugged on his coat.

"Anything else troubling you, kid?"

"Do you want to say anything about your relationship? If that's okay."

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