9 : Date No. 1

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"It's finally time for the ideas to come in handy!" Cream Puff said excitedly and rushed to Walnut's room to tell her the first thing Almond and Latte were going to do.

"Walnut! Wake up, wake up!" She pulled the blanket away from her body.

"Not right now...my shift starts at 10 am..." Walnut began shivering from the cold.

"You didn't help me plan for the past weeks. It's only fair you help me now."

"...Fine I'm up, I'm up."

Cream Puff saw Almond from downstairs and making his way to the kitchen. She just had to catch up to tell him about the first plan.

"Detective, sir!" She waved.

"Good morning, have you finished making your ideas?" Almond sealed his coffee cup and turned to her.

"Yeah I was gonna explain about that. After your shift, I was planning you and Latte would spend time at Angel-in us."

"Isn't that where she has her part-time job?"

"Promise I'll try to make it run smoothly."

Cream Puff followed Almond until the doorstep telling him some more details.

"Okay, copy that kid. I'll see you after work. Good luck."

"Have a nice day at work!"

Walnut creeped up behind Cream Puff grabbed her shoulders from behind.


"Aah!" She stumbled to the ground. "You really have a habit for scaring me..."

"Ha ha, sorry sorry. Here." She lended her hand to help her up. "So what's the plan."

"Just read this notepad. I'm sure you'll know every single detail." Cream Puff gave her it.

When she opened it, the whole notepad was almost filled. There was a lot of notes to remember that it made her feel slightly dizzy.

"Do I need to memorize all of this?!"

"Nah, just a few parts. I think..." She tried to remember the parts she was supposed to memorize but completely forgot majority of it. "You know what, let's head up to my room, most of the details are stored up there."

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