Part 1: Golden Eyed Legend

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Glorified Universe,

Oh, how I have strayed away. How I forget to pray to the glorious heavens. Forgive me for neglecting you. Shed your light upon one me one more time, I will be better. Give my successor a light greater than mine. Make his light undeniable. Let his soul reflect the essence of the Sun: light, warmth, love and life. Most importantly life, for without the Sun there would be no life. Let him embrace this power and cherish it. Do not allow him to follow in my wake of death, continuous mistakes, and failure. Let him learn to harness the power of life and never turn his back on the Universe.

Forgive me Universe for having my successor inherit the consequences of my mistakes. I am leaving him a world of turmoil, however this was not my intention. I only wanted to make a legacy, now he will experience the consequences of my ambitions. I pray the Fire of the Universe guides him and never turns his back on the Order of the Universe. It took me a long time to recognize and acknowledge my mistakes and for that I am truly sorry. I am turning my face to the setting Sun and asking for forgiveness. It will be a long night, a dark night. I feel it in the essence of everything that I am. But no night lasts forever. The dawn will come again to usher in a new era of peace.

Universe when he rises, guide him and light his path, as you lit mine. Universe, control the raging wildfires. Restrain the fires of anger, fear, hatred and pain, make them bow to the light and the fire of life. Will he be like fire? Will he burn? Will he be like fire? Will he bring life? Glorious Universe only you know. Set upon me peacefully, as I have lived long and learned much. Rise upon him gently, show him his worth. Thank you, for blessing me and guiding me through everything, now my sun is setting into the distant horizon, never to rise again.


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