Part 3 Chapter 12 ~ continued

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As the waterworks ended, Cove brushed her shoulder, "I'm sorry about earlier. I had no idea that would happen, and I feel horrible about it. I-I wish you would let me make it up to you."

"There's nothing to make up. Let's go to the jewelry tent."

"Talia," Cove hurried to catch up, "what's wrong? What happened?"

"Nothing's wrong! I just talked to the Chiefess for a few moments. We need to get something to trade at the jewelry shop and then mix in the crowd near the jungle border." She felt Cove firmly grab her arm.

"Come again, you lost me at the part where you have a plan that I know nothing about."

"Our allies are waiting for us, and the bane of my existence is here too. Everyone's just trying to watch out."

"Alright, let's go," Cove murmured. Upon entering the packed jewelry tent, Cove held Tiber's hand. "I'd rather we not get separated like that again."

As they were walking, Sita bumped shoulders with Tiber. "We got something we'd like to trade." Tiber looked, and it was a dagger made of ivory.

"That's beautiful. I have a tribal artifact to exchange," she reached into Mika's bag and retrieved a small jewelry box with a cabochon stone bypass closure.

"You have a lovely acquaintance," Chelan spoke to Cove. "We should grab something to eat and enjoy it close to the Jungle border. It's not every day we get a view like that. Is it, Sita?"

"Definitely not, so it's set? Let's meet in an hour," Sita chimed.

Cove nodded and shook hands with Chelan, "An hour sounds good, man. It's packed, and we need all the time we can, so just pick a place for lunch."

They made the exchange and watched Chelan and Sita head off. "Is there something you want for lunch?"

"No, not really. Is there something you'd recommend," she asked Cove.

"Well, I guess the one thing that's hard to get unless you're from around here is a fried fish sandwich."

Tiber laughed, "Well, you've got a point there. Let's eat! I am kinda hungry." They quickly found some tables and asked for two fish sandies, as they are called in the Beach tribe.

As they sat across from each other, Tiber kept looking away every time Cove made eye contact. "Could you please stop that? It's killing me!"

"I'm sorry. I feel bad that you're stuck here with me, of all people. I want you to have a good time and mingle. You work so hard, and I just wanted you to enjoy the festival with whoever you wanted to spend time with."

"Are you crazy? That's what I'm trying to do! I told you that I wanted to spend the day with you. I told you when we first talked about going to the festival together. I know what happened earlier was kinda uncalled for, but this is what I really want."

"Why? Why me?"

"Why not you? You came to me asking for help, but I've been learning so much about what tribe and family mean from you. You are the most loyal woman I have ever met under the most strenuous situation. It makes me see the things I have taken for granted. I was raised to believe in the Universe. You weren't. It's like watching a metamorphosis, with each stage more beautiful than the previous one. I just feel honored to have met you at the caterpillar stage. You're in the cocoon now. I just can't wait to see what's next." he handed her a small box.

Tiber was shocked as she opened it. It was a lovely, hand-strung pearl necklace. "It's beautiful," she whispered.

"Not half as beautiful as the woman who wears it," Cove smiled. "I hope you accept this as a token of my intention for us to get to know each other better."

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