Part 3 Chapter 4 ~ continued

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Aqila hurried out of the Capitol. She sighed into the night with the yellow stone of her hairpin flitting about in the starlight.

"Well, it seems like you met the same dismay I faced earlier," Kavi's voice called out to her as he waited for her.

"I didn't think our families would be so disappointed about moving the wedding date out. You know most families, statistically speaking, are concerned about their youth advancing too fast in these matters. Our parents are worried we are moving too slow."

"You didn't see it coming? After pushing the wedding out by ten months? I did! My mother loves weddings. I think she was planning my wedding day the moment I was born," Kavi chuckled.

"I know. It's just that this really isn't a good time. I mean, there's Jai, Agnes, and now Neptune. Currently, Kashmala and Wyndhm aren't involved, but I fear we could get pulled in if we keep letting this linger."

"I understand, but I fear our parents are worried that we are getting cold feet, although we know we are not. It may be necessary that we arrange an event to showcase a little public display of affection. I think that would put our families at ease."

"What do you have in mind?"

"Why don't we organize an engagement gala? We both could plan some festivities open to both Kashmala and Wyndhm. Also, it would allow our families to see how well we work together, on a grand scale," Kavi held Aqila's hand, intertwining his fingers with hers.

"You are always the man with a plan that always works. Set a date, and we can go from there," Aqila lovingly glanced at Kavi. She looked up to the stars, and a tingling sensation began to wave over her. She saw Cahya in Upper Ember with an arrow on fire, followed by multiple arrows on fire. Then she saw Arrow and Jai in Lower Ember. Lastly, there was a gold mask floating in the water.

Aqila slowly shook her head, "I'm glad you're back," Kavi chuckled.

"Kavi, I-"

"I know, just tell me where you have to go and when."

"Upper Ember, something's up with Cahya. I don't need to leave immediately, though. So, I'll plan to leave within a few days. I promise to write down my half of the festivities for the engagement gala and personally deliver it to you before I go."

"I love the sound of that, my love. Be safe and let me know if you need me for anything. And I mean anything!"

"I know, my beloved, I know, and I will. And for the record, I can't wait to spend some quality time together during our engagement gala," she brushed her nose to his before parting ways.

"Aqila, what colors do you want for the engagement gala?"

"What colors do you have in mind?"

"Well, the wedding colors have to be silver and white because every rulership wedding is those colors, so let's get creative with this one," Kavi suggested.

"Well, your favorite color is blue, and mine is yellow. How about a turquoise and yellow theme?"

"Sounds good to me. Well, good night, I will see you in the morning," Kavi proceeded to reenter the Capitol. Aqila sighed as she watched his locks of gray hair disappear. She continued towards the mountain edge where Talon was faithfully waiting.

"It's quite late for you to be out, sis. Is everything going alright with the wedding plans," Saar playfully nudged her arm as she mounted her dasher.

"Let's just say it's coming," she sighed.

"What's wrong, Storm? This is the day you've been waiting for," Saar gently spoke.

"It's nothing like that. We just wanted to push the wedding out, and our mothers almost passed out over the thought of it. Your father says Kavi's wedding is his top priority, so pushing the date out is not ideal. The only one in our corner was my father."

"Wait, Kavi is alright with this?"

"Well, I expressed that I'm still involved with Jai's situation and getting visions pertaining to him. I can't just drop it like nothing has happened. Saar, when we get married, I want us to have some time together, not interrupted by urgent world affairs."

"Well, you've got the right man then. That's my brother. If I were getting married, I wouldn't want to wait. I will be all in, starting my new chapter in life with my wife."

"What if we were in a war or heading for war? Would you want to get married in the middle of that?"

"Yes, only because war is a little different. In war, there's that chance that I might not make it. I wouldn't want to die a single man if I had someone I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. And knowing that I had a wife and possibly a growing family waiting for me would make me fight harder. Either way, you two are intelligent, so I'm supporting you every step of the way."

"Thanks, Saar. Have a good night," Aqila held her breath as she urged Talon to fly. They headed towards Zeroun's house in the mountains high in the sky. Aqila decided to stay here until the wedding. She would get a couple visitors looking for visions, so having the same location for a while was helpful to her people.

As soon as she settled Talon for the night and walked through the door. Her mind began racing with thoughts of Cahya. She sat with her legs folded. "Alright, Cahya, what's going on? He hasn't reached out to Arrow, but there's an arrow on fire, and then it multiplies. Is he recruiting? But why if he still has a rift with Arrow? Maybe he's trying to show the Flamethrowers that he would have made a better leader? But, it doesn't fit Cahya's personality. He's not a showoff. Regardless, he has something going on. Maybe Arrow is not doing a great job leading because of Calida's death, and Cahya is trying to take charge. But, if Arrow was just bombing it, I would have gotten something from the Flamethrowers before now. Alright, I do know that Cahya is building something. Since that's a fact, Jai needs to know and check it out and show support if he's doing a good thing." Aqila stood up, relieved that she had made something out of the vision.

She picked up some letters from off her floor and began reviewing them. She had received something from Arrow, Sheraga, Tora, and multiple letters from Boaz. She had not talked to Boaz for a couple of weeks. "Maybe he would want to accompany me when I visit Jai and Arrow. Hmm, that would also ease Kavi's mind a bit." Aqila sat at the marble stone table and began to write everyone back. Then something flagged in her mind, she looked around, and multiple things were slightly off from where she last remembered leaving them. She looked at the floor. There were skid marks from where it had been moved. The kitchen looked intact. However, the lid was not completely on in the letterbox that she kept in the sitting area in the corner. She would have never left that unlocked. The lock is a wind whistle. Only an advanced Windmaster would even be able to open that. 

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