Chapter 10

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After Sid left Fais also kept the call asking Avu to sleep as she wasn't able to focus. But the reason behind her not focusing wasn't sleepiness but Sid. She felt a sudden pain thinking of what if she dies in one of the missions, he had become another reason for her to fear death, first being Vaishjeet. She thought how close she had become to Sid and his family and Reem. The only person who would take her death well in these would be Fais. She knew it will affect him very much, as he considers her as his daughter, but more than that he would be proud of her. Faisneet fell asleep, not knowing that this mission was going to open doors for the biggest mission of their life. It wasn't too near, but still not that far also. 

Jai: Reem, can you go get di, I don't know what is wrong with her today. She didn't even sleep properly. 

She nodded and went to Avu's room. 

Reem: Jai is calling you. 

Avu: Yeah, I'll come in 2 minutes. 

Reem nodded and went back outside. She took his hand and wrote 2 MIN on it. 

Jai: Ok. 

After sometime Avu came out. 

Avu: Jai, I'm going out, I'll return day after tomorrow by evening. 

Jai: Hmm. Now have breakfast. 

Avu: Yeah. 

She noticed Reem's confused expression. 

Avu: I have to go for few days due to work sometimes. He has stopped complaining as I'll anyways be going. 

Reem: What is your work? 

Avu: I own a company, not too big. 

She nodded. After breakfast Avu left. She called Sid on the way to inform him that she'll be away for two days. After 2 days: 

Its still the morning time. With Jaireem, Jai was as usual flirting with Reem while they finished all the work. After sometime he dropped her at Nigams' home before going to work as Jaan had called her today. She heard Abhi's voice as she moved towards Faisnat's room as Sidshek's room is close enough to the place. His voice can't be heard from inside Faisnat's room, the reason he sometimes sings sad songs also without worrying about Jaan listening. Meanwhile somewhere else: 

Avu looked at the person in front of her with anger. But before she could understand what's happening, Fais pulled the trigger and the bullet hit her. He was about to go to her when someone held him and... Fais sat up with a jerk. 

Jaan: Faisu, what happened? 

He sighed in relief realising it was a dream. 

Fais: Nothing. What time is it? 

Jaan: Its 10:30. 

Fais: What? Why didn't you wake me up earlier? 

Jaan: I tried but you wouldn't so I let you sleep as you slept late yesterday. You don't have to go to office anyways today. 

Fais: Hmm. 

His phone rang and he picked it up. 

Sm1: Sir, you are needed here, ma'am asked me to call you. 

Fais: I'll reach within 15 minutes. Is everything alright? 

Sm1: Till now it is, but with time its getting difficult sir, I don't know till when ma'am will be able to control the situation alone. 

Fais: I'm coming. 

He kept the call and turned to Jaan who just nodded understanding its urgent. He quickly changed and ran out past Reem who was about to knock the gate. 

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