Chapter 28

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Vaish: Abhi. 

Abhi: Yeah? 

Vaish: Where are Sidneet going? 

Abhi: They want to spend the day together so they'll return by tomorrow morning, that's all I know. None of them are saying anyone where they are going. And its fine, we are not going with them anyways. 

Vaish: Not with them, but we can also go somewhere no. 

Abhi: We'll go in evening. Already due to kidnapping I missed a day, then how will I practice to become doctor? 

Vaish: Ok, but don't cancel the plan in evening. 

Abhi: Of course not. Now I'll go and get ready or I'll be late. 

Vaish: Yeah. 

After getting ready he had his breakfast and left. Soon Fais also came after getting ready. 

Fais: Abhi left? 

Vaish: Yeah. 

Fais: Jaan, are you ready? 

Jaan: Yeah, you just have your breakfast then we'll go. 

Fais: You had yours?

Jaan: No, I'm having with you. 

Fais: Ok. 

Vaish went to the kitchen where Reem was. Faisnat also left for Jaan's regular checkup. Reem was looking for Jai by seeing out from the kitchen itself. 

Vaish: Are you looking for Jai? 

Reem nodded. 

Vaish: He is in his room. He has holiday from office, just has to attend one meeting which is around 11-11:30. So he is preparing for the presentation. 

Reem nodded. She then did the gesture of eating and then questioning, meaning "Did Jai eat anything?". 

Vaish: No, he didn't come out. 

She pointed towards herself then towards Jai's room. Vaish nodded. Reem filled Jai's plate and took to his room. She knocked on the door to take his attention. 

Jai: Reemi, you here? 

She forwarded the plate.

Jai: Oh, come here. 

She sat beside him. 

Jai: You had yours? 

She shook her head. 

Jai: Why? 

She took his hand and wrote "hungry" on it with her finger and then made a cross. 

Jai: Why? You also have with me. 

She shook her head but he held a bite in front of her. 

Jai: I am not eating till you do. Now eat. 

She ate the bite and then both had their breakfast. Then she came to the kitchen so he can continue his work. Soon he left for the meeting. Sidneet were just enjoying the day, roaming in different places. For evening they decided to go to Avu's home and be there till morning, cuddling and watching some movie first with dinner and then sleeping. Vaishreem were done with the work so they went out in the hall. They were talking with Vaish speaking and Reem typing and showing. After sometime the bell rang. It was Faisnat. Jaan went to the room. 

Vaish: What happened? 

Fais: Nothing, she is angry. 

Reem: Why? 

Fais: It was expected after whatever happened . There are many questions and thoughts in her mind. 

Vaish: Then why don't you tell it? 

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