Chapter 27

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Avu: How did you find out so much about my favourites, what I love and everything? You must know most of it, but not everything. 

Fais: She helped me. 

Avu looked in the direction he pointed while pulling away from the hug. 

Avu: Roshni di, this is unfair. You are my sister before being his friend. 

Rosh: I am your sister that's why I helped him. 

Avu: What logic is this? 

Rosh: But I have never seen anyone do so much to convince anyone, how much Fais did in these days. You troubled him so much. 

Fais: It wasn't her fault, don't tell her anything. 

Rosh: You both, leave that. Why am I even saying in between? The good thing is that you both are back to how you were, though I don't know the reason behind this fight. 

Flashback ends. 

Rosh: They both troubled me so much in college days. Always they used to team up against me.

Jaan: I didn't know you three were so good friends. 

Fais: You all should go and rest for sometime. Jai, you be with Reem only. 

All nodded and went. Abhinavi went together, Jai went to Reem. 

Fais: Jaan, you go, I'm coming. 

Jaan nodded and went.   

Rosh: Why did you both do this? I said I don't want to marry, yet none of you listened to me. 

Fais: Because it was necessary. In your stubbornness you are saying you don't need your husband, but you have to understand that the baby needs its father. And your one angry decision can affect our futures badly. You don't want your baby to be considered a mistake, but you yourself are making it seem like a mistake by not accepting your husband. 

Rosh: You only say what should I do, I am not able to understand anything. Seeing Jaan all I feel is guilt. I am again friends with Avu, but I know things were different then and are different now. And things between us can never go back to how it was. 

Fais: I can understand the reasons of your guilt Rosh, but you can't keep blaming yourself for that. About what happened at that time, even I was a part of it, all four of us were. I don't know it was our immatureness or carelessness, but the truth is all four of us took wrong decisions. But now lets not do the same, we have to do everything keeping our relations and future in mind. 

Rosh: Hmm. Will you tell Jaan everything? 

Fais: I know her well, but in this situation I can't think of what her reaction will be. If I tell her the truth there are two possibilities, either everything between us will get ruined, I'll lose her. Or she'll forgive me, making me feel more guilty. Both will be very difficult for both me and her, but I can't lie to her. I should go now. 

He was about to go but stopped realising she was crying.

Fais: Rosh, don't cry yaar. 

Rosh: I don't want to go Fais. 

Fais: I'm sorry but you have to. You need to get away from here for sometime. And I am not sending you alone right. 

Rosh: But I don't want to. Avu agreed?

Fais: Yeah. She didn't want you to go, but she knows you have to. And its not forever, you will return. Spend these few months with all, happily, before going to hospital. Then you'll directly come home after giving birth. You'll have a one more person to live for, one more phase of life, one more person in the list of the your loved ones, at the top, one more person you'll be possessive over like every mother is over her child, one more responsibility. With your life, your world. 

He distracted her mind towards her child to make her stop crying. She smiled and nodded. He went out, asking her to take rest. He went to Jaan to find her asleep. He sat beside her and like she felt his presence, she moved and kept her head in his lap. After sometime he felt sleepy so lied down, getting in the blanket himself, after keeping her head back on the pillow without waking her. He hugged her, feeling her immediately cuddle into him and fell asleep. 

Jaan: Fais. 

Fais: Hmm. 

Jaan: Wake up no. 

He got up and even she sat up. He checked the time

Jaan: I am sleeping since so long? No one woke me up. 

Fais: I think all have woken up though. Lets go out and see. 

Jaan: Hmm. 

They went out. 

Fais: You all didn't wake us? 

Avu:  Yeah because you slept late. So we thought to let you rest. I also came few minutes back only. But what is this, you didn't bandage your hand. The blood dried up but infection will spread no. 

She pulled him not letting him say anything and all laughed seeing them. 

Sid: Bhai listens to someone else or not, he has to listen to Avu. And same with Avu, she always listens to him, whether she listens to someone else or not. 

Soon Faisneet returned. 

Avu: Where is Roshni di? 

Fais: In her room. 

Avu: Can I take her? 

Fais: Yeah. Here is the home's key. 

He said while giving her the key. Avu went to call Roshni. 

Jaan: Where are they going? 

Fais: Roshni has to go somewhere for two weeks. They are going to get her things, she had already done packing to come here. 

Jaan: What? Suddenly this plan, no one mentioned earlier. 

Fais: She is going to meet her parents only, don't worry. And they called her suddenly so she is going. 

Jaan: Ohk. 


Why is Reem scared of orphanages?

What mistakes had Fais made?

What turn will Faisnat's marriage take after the truth comes out?

What caused the four's friendship to break?

What is the truth behind Roshni's child?

Where is she going?


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