Chapter 12

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In a house, which is empty except a room, there is complete silence. The silence is broken by the voice of two people talking in the room. 

P1: Boss, what are we going to do now? 

P2: I have all the information about them, but I won't attack them now. 

P1: Then? 

P2: I'll attack them when they least expect it. 

P1: But they aren't expecting it now also. 

P2: Wrong. They are alert. They are very intelligent, they won't think I can't do anything. They are the ex leader and the current leader for a reason. They both very well know I've seen their faces, they won't take any risk. 

P1: So what are you planning? 

P2: Faisal is going to have a son or daughter, I'll either not let that person enter this world or kidnap him/her the moment I get a chance to. 

P1: So you'll wait for another 8-9 months? 

P2 smirked evilly, not saying anything. Meanwhile in Nigams' home, 

Jaan: Fais, come fast no. 

Fais: Yeah coming, one second. 

Jaan: You are saying the same since so long, do you want to go to office or not? 

Fais: I'm here. And I don't have to go now, there are 2 hours left. 

Jaan: What? Oh, I got confused. 

Fais: That's why I say you shouldn't work so much. 

Jaan: You've already cut down half of my work saying I should be resting and take care of myself and the baby, yet you are saying so much work. 

Fais: You are complaining now itself, few months later you won't be allowed to get up also. 

Jaan: Don't scare me by that. 

He chuckled and kissed her cheek. 

Fais: Where are those two idiots? 

Jaan: They are your brothers, not idiots. 

Fais: An idiot's brothers are idiots and you call me an idiot right. 

Jaan: You and your logic. Anyways, they'll be coming down anytime soon. 

Just then the bell rang. Vibha went and opened the door. 

Vibha: Yes? 

Sm1: This is Nigams' home right? 

Vibha: Yeah, it is. Who are you? 

Sm1: Is Faisal here? 

Vibha: Yeah, I'll call him. FAIS. 

Faisnat looked at each other and then went out. 

Fais: Roshni? 

He asked in disbelief and shock. Sidshek came downstairs and saw her as well. 

Sid: Roshni? 

Abhi looked at him confused. 

Fais: You both know each other? 

Rosh: I don't know him. How do you know me? Who are you? 

Fais: He is Siddharth, my youngest brother. But you here, why? 

Rosh: Won't you let me in? 

Jaan: Yeah come in. 

Fais(in mind): Whom have you invited Janu? 

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