Chapter 26

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He said looking angry. Roshni was shocked while Jaan nodded, understanding he is angry and doesn't want to take it out on her. 

Rosh: Fais, you...

He just gave her a look which was enough to scare her and she changed the topic. 

Rosh: Where is Avu? 

She asked noticing Avu is not there. He again started going, like he never heard her question. 

Rosh: Fais, where is Avu? 

Fais: Roshni, I just now said something, it was not for just Jannat but everyone. 

He went from there. 

Rosh: Someone tell me, where is Avu? 

Jaan: Even Jaireem are not here. Where did those three go? What happened after we came? 

Before anyone could answer, they heard Jai's voice. With Fais, he was trying to calm his anger which he just took out on Jaan and Rosh as he got flashback of what just happened. 

All were down except the leader now. Fais pointed his gun at him. 

L: You can kill me, but in return lose everyone here. My remaining men are hidden, each pointing a gun at each person here except you and me. 

Fais: How many people are here? 1, 2, total 5. Isn't that better than lakhs of Indians loosing their lives? You can't blackmail me, you have to die now. 4

L: You really are very heartless. You don't care about these people, but your enemy's death is more important? 

Fais: Not my enemy but my country's enemy. And my country is above anyone for me, even myself. 3

L: Ok then. You can't kill me without a slight shiver in your hand, thinking of your friends death.

Fais: And I'll prove you wrong. 2... 1. 

L: What are you counting? 

Fais: Your men. I know you enough to know you won't just give up like that. Now only the person pointing his gun at Avneet is alive, couldn't find him. But death of 1 is better than 5. 

L: You'll kill the person most close to you? 

Flashback ends. 

Downstairs, Jai came inside. 

Jaan: Jai, you say what happened. Where are Reem and Avu? 

Jai said everything that Fais remembered in flashback. Then he stopped as he was interrupted. 

Rosh: WHAT? Fais can't do this. 

Jai: He can. Avu always said, when all will cry on her death, Fais will be proud. He will also be sad, but be proud also as she gave her life for her country only. For both of them, his death was necessary. Or he would kill lakhs of Indians. 

Jaan: What happened then? 

Fais: I pulled the trigger and the bullet hit Avu, just like it was supposed to according to his plan. 

All turned in his direction. His anger had gone. His hand is still bleeding, but he didn't notice. 

Fais: He has died now. And about Reem, she is fine but just scared and unconscious. She is very much scared of blood. Jai, go get her. 

Jai nodded and went. Soon he returned with Reem in his arms and directly went to a room. He came out after laying her on the bed as she was unconscious. 

Jaan: And where is Avu? 

Fais: We took her to the base, I have done her operation. 

Jaan: But you are not a doctor right? Then how? 

Fais: In our team, all of us are not only undercover agents but also specialised doctors. That's the reason when my accident took place Avu entered the room. We know in detail, more than any doctor. We all know about every drug, every wound given by torture devices, so that if our enemies hurt anyone from team or outside team also, the doctors contact us, when not able to understand the injuries of the patient. 

Jaan: So you were leading an agency? 

Fais: Yeah, now Avu leads it. After getting the news of our child, I handed over the leadership to Avu. You remember I said about her fighting skills? 

Jaan nodded. 

Fais: I observed her and with time realised she is what the team needs. So I started training her after taking the risk of informing her about the team. Within two months she completed the training. Then I suggested her to join the team, I wasn't the leader at that time. Then she got accepted in the team and also got a reward on the same day for her skills and for saving many people. The photo I hid from you, it was of when she received the award. This agency is supposed to be a secret, but the enemy took it personal.  

Rosh: The fight you both had? Was it related to it? 

Fais: It was because of all this only. 


Avu: You became my friend just to take me in the team? 

Fais knew where its going, he expected her to think this as even he would. 

Fais: Yes. 

Avu: That means you never considered me your daughter also. Don't ever talk to me again. 

She ran away before he could say anything. He spent many days, trying to convince her, but always got the same result. 

Avu: Will you stop it? You are doing all this so I join the team right? Ok, I'll join. Now stop all this. 

Fais: Avu, I am not doing this to take you in the team. I really love you like my daughter and you are my friend. I want you to join but that's not the reason I became your father figure, that's the reason I became your friend. You'll always remain my first child, believe me. 

Avu: How many children are you planning? 

She asked as she always used to, this time his answer wasn't "I didn't mean that", it was a huge smile as she forgave him and he hugged her tightly. 


Why is Reem scared of orphanages?

What mistakes had Fais made?

Will Jaan lose Fais?

What caused the four's friendship to break?

What is the truth behind Roshni's child?


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