Chapter 13

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Rosh: Why does it matter? Its just a useless piece of paper someone must have kept. 

Fais: For once can you answer me? 

Rosh: It was lying on the floor. 

She said in a bored tone rolling her eyes. 

Fais: Why don't you just go from here? What are you even doing here Roshni? 

She was about to say something when her phone rang. After keeping the call. 

Rosh: I'm going now, but will be back soon. 

Fais: Great. 

He said while looking up from his phone. She left and at the same time Avu came. They both saw each other before Roshni went. 

Avu: Bhai, why was she here? 

Fais: I called you for some other reason. Take this. 

He gave the paper to her. 

Fais: It was just lying on the floor and Roshni found it. 

Avu read it. 

Avu: This person is related to them. 

Fais: Yeah, but we ended the whole team, well whole team but one person. 

Avu: He alone had no power, but I think he has something from the team and is planning something big. He can always get more men if he wants. 

Fais: This case, its not agency related. This person knows us, his aim is only us. 

Avu: I'll try finding out more about this. 

Fais: And its time I change my decision, I have to get back. 

Avu: Right. I think even your work doesn't want to leave you. And now, back to Roshni. 

Fais: That girl is .... something, I don't know why is she even here and what she is expecting from me now. 

Avu chuckled. 

Avu: I'm going to Sid's room. 

She went from there while Fais shook his head in disbelief, then she says she doesn't love him. He also went to his room. With Sidshekneet: 

Abhi: Hello bhabhi. 

Avu: Bhai, don't call me bhabhi. 

Avu(in mind): It scares me that you all might have found out about our marriage. 

Abhi: Ok. 

Avu: Where is Sid? 

Abhi: He has gone to take a bath. 

Avu: Ohk. 

They were talking when Sid came out, but was just wearing a towel. Avu was shocked and was staring at him only. Then she realised Abhi is also there and turned to him. 

Sid: When did you come? 

Avu: Sometime back. 

Sid: Oh. 

He went to wear his clothes. 

Abhi: By your reaction it looked like you everyday see him like this. 

Avu: No, today I saw the first time only. I didn't react like that because bhai used to get irritated whenever I did so, so don't have that habit. 

Abhi chuckled. 

Abhi: How do you know? 

Avu: I once entered his room without knocking and he was getting ready. 

Abhi: His room? 

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