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Kaimana Valencia | September 1996

"This year is going to be shit," Elijah grumbled, and sulked in his seat.

Kaimana frowned. "What makes you say that, Lija?" she asked softly, holding Zaiyah in her lap.

He slid a copy of the Daily Prophet in front of her on the table.

They were all seated in the train, on the way to Hogwarts, in their usual spots. Five and four—Elijah, Kaimana, Flynn, and Meleah at one table, and Kehlani, Quinn, Jaxon, Cardin, and Aisling at the other.

Kaimana peeked over Zaiyah's big head and scanned the paper. There was one subtitle that caught her attention.

Death Eater Numbers Are Growing.

"Oh." She blinked at it. "That's... that's something else."

Flynn turned the Daily Prophet, so it was facing him and Meleah. "Are you fucking kidding me?" He scoffed, shaking his head. "Fucking Voldemort is planning shit, and we have OWLs this year too."

"Yeah." Meleah sighed, crossing her forearms over the table and resting her forehead over her arms. "This year is going to be absolute shit."

Kaimana rested her chin on top of Zaiyah's head, hugging her protectively close. Stephen had fled just this morning as Kaimana got ready to leave for the Hogwarts express.

In all honesty, she wasn't worried about her father being found or getting hurt. He was extremely intelligent and brilliant.

He knew the work around and he knew what to do for every situation. He knew how to do things and when. He was amazing. He would be more than okay hiding out for a few months.

Kaimana felt better now that her father had fled. She wouldn't have to worry about Voldemort getting to him. She kept Zaiyah with her because obviously, it's her fucking daughter.

And everyone knew there was nothing more dangerous than a mother protecting her child.

"I just don't understand what sick fucks could possibly stand by Voldemort." Elijah was evidently angry about the entire thing. "He's cruel and vile and odious. Honestly." He was rightfully livid.

"I reckon some of these people who are standing with him are actually in... in sort of a debt with him, if you want to call it that." Flynn lowered his voice as he leaned forward, arms on the table. "Some people go way back with him through generations as well, and they owe him. So I guess you could say they're repaying their debts by standing with him."

"And Voldemort's relentless," Meleah said quietly, tearing her eyes from the window to look at her mates. "They're likely scared of him, so they're standing with him out of fear."

"But some are standing with him because they're just sick," Kaimana pointed out plainly.

Flynn nodded. "That is a fact. I'm going to see Ced. I'll be back." He slid out of the booth before he walked off.

"I'm tired." Meleah fixed her body, so she was leaning against the wall of the train, facing the walkway. Her head turned to Elijah. "You alright, Lij?"

Elijah nodded with a grim smile. "Just a bit bummed about this year going to shit," he said honestly, shrugging. He leaned back, and exhaled a heavy breath.

"We don't know for sure this year will be shit," Kaimana tried to soothe, but she knew to her core that this year would be shit.

The Death Eater number was growing abundantly, and Voldemort was rumoured to be sneaking around the Wizarding World, recruiting and planning stuff.

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