chapter 3

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An hour passed as I finished placing the finishing touches on the cake. I designed the final red flower on the cake and set everything aside. I went to wash my hands, turning on the focet I saw black mist coming from it, they were wrapping around my wrist. They started to become solid slowly but before they could become handcuffs I let out my own black mist from my fingernails as it cracked and stole the mist from whoever the messenger was. I let out my power to make sure that whoever was out to bring me back was well aware on who they would be challenging. Letting go of my power I let it roam, soon enough I felt the 4 presence leave in a hurry from where they came from.

Once I finally washed everything I retrieved a cake knife and sliced it 5 ways. I took a piece and placed it on a little plate on the tray as well as a new batch of tea. I made my way up the stairs and knocked on the dark oak door when I arrived.

"Come in." A gruff feminine voice said a bit tired.

I opened the door and saw Jocelyn massaging her temples. She looked at the tray in my hand and it seemed to brighten her mood slightly. I placed the tray on the nearby window table and pored the tea in the beautiful tea cup set. I saw the steam rise up to the air and evaporate into nothing. Placing the treat in front of her I bowed and went back to the kitchen to open up the back door, and check on Grell. Grell is a demon dog that is very playful and wants a lot of attention. She reminds me of an annoying reaper from my childhood, that's why I named her after the reaper.

"Grell come." I ordered, moments later I saw a big black demon dog running my way.

I glared daggers at it, making her skid to a stop in front of me, her tongue out in happyness. I sighed and looked all around her, surprisingly she hadn't ruined the garden today. Nodding my approval I stood back in front of her and looked her dead in the eyes.

"Listen well Grell, we are going to have company in a while. And I would like you to stay in the gardens looking out for any enemies, do you understand?" I asked her, my green eyes staring into her bright purple ones. She shifted into her human form and pounced on me. "Get off me!" I yelled in anger.

Gell landed on me on all fours her tanned skin glowed under the sun, as she laid and pressed her huge breasts on me.

She barked happily after I punched her in the face and walked back into the garden. I walked back inside just in time to hear a knock from the door. I looked down at my watch and saw that it was already one clock. I opened the door to see a young man with dark blue hair and an eyepatch over his right eye. I looked up to see the Butler with a smirk, black hair and stenads of hair defining his face nicely. I nodded and spoke politely.

"Lady Jocelyn has been expecting you Ciel Phantomhive." I said bowing and stepping to the side letting them through.

Once the kid passed I knew something was going to happen. Then it all came to me once the Butler stepped inside and his scent hit my nose.

A demon butler.

I suppressed my own smirk, since I was ordered to not smile ever. I stood straight and looked over the two visitors. "Please follow me, my mistress will be waiting in her office." I guided them to the room where I know Uta told her about the company heading her way. Once i arrived i knocked on the dark oak wood door and entered when I heard the faint enter come from the other side.

"Good afternoon Earl Phantomhive, I've been wanting to have this meeting for quite some time." Jocelyn said stepping around her desk and extending her hand towards Ciel in a friendly hand shake.

"Good afternoon, lady Jocelyn." Ciel said with a small smile.

On the center of the room was a chess game set up for her and the Earl, she knew that he was an excellent player and wanted to test it out herself.

"You are dismissed Kira." Jocelyn said waving her hand away for me to leave.

I bowed and left, closing the door behind me. I stood outside of the door for a couple of minutes then started walking towards the location of Uta. I found him dusting off a 500 year old vase on the west wing of the manor. I looked at him until he felt me behind him and startled him a bit.

"You know, if you keep doing that then I'll have a heart attack when I haven't even turned 24." He said panting and trying to calm his rapid beating heart, sighing in the process.

"My apologies." I said, no emotion crossing my face for the last 5 months.

"There's no need to apologize babe-, I mean miss Kira." He said with a smile.

"I would like for you to go check on Grell, she looks like she's going to go into heat in about a month. I would like you to make her feel comfortable and not let her go on a rampage when the month finishes." I said turning around as I hear Uta say his ok, nodding with a smile and walking towards the opposite direction of me.

"Hello." A voice said from behind me, fully aware on who it was.

"Good afternoon." I said turning around and nodding towards the demon butler.

"I haven't gotten the pleasure in introducing myself." He said placing his right hand on the left side of his chest. "My name is Sebastian Michaels."

He bowed, his smirk never leaving his face since he arrived. I nodded and spoke my given name.

"My name Is Kira Juuzou, it's a pleasure to finally meet you." I said bowing, feeling disgusted by his presence.

I never really was fond of other demons rather than my own blood coming near me. I stepped back holding up a hand over my mouth and nose. Trying to look like as if I was shy. I looked down towards the floor and stepped back a couple of times.

Sebastian looked as if he had the upper hand and smirked stepping closer towards me. I stepped back again only to be blocked by the wall behind me. He came close to me and spoke in a cool even tone.

"I would like for you to give me a tour of the manor, since my master dismissed me for the mean time." He said with the usual smirk I'm getting quite sick of.

I nodded and motioned for him to follow me on the tour.


"And finally this is Uta." I said motioning at the pierced man that I respect for the first time in my life just like the other humans.

"Hello there Mr. Sebastian." Uta said holding out his hand for Sebastian to shake it.

Soon enough he did as he gave a fake smile towards Uta. I stepped closer towards Uta and thanked him in a meaning to not startle him any more.

"Thank you for cleaning the manor, did you look over Grell?" I asked tilting my head to the side unknowingly, and probably out of habit.

"Y-yes, she's not in heat and is secured in the garden to pr-protect us." He said with a bit of a stutter and his face heating up a bit. I placed my hand on his forehead, thinking that he might have caught something.

"Are you alright, your face has gone slightly red." I asked slightly worried about his health, if he was sick then the house would become dirty quickly without his help, of course I could do his job but why do that when I hired them?

"Yes, if you would ex-excuse me I'm going to find work to do." He said bolting out of the way and speed walking down the hall.

"A happy bunch in here isn't there?" Sebastian said a look of distaste as he looked at the direction where Uta took off.

"Yes they are." I said keeping in a warm smile.

~*~ AN ~*~

(Edit completed)

I've notice I gave my character some of the anime Tokyo ghoul character names like Suzuya Juuzou. And I also inserted one of the characters in the story too it's Uta for the people that haven't watched the anime.

I recommend it I love it so much, it's about human eating ghouls and a boy having his life fucked up just for wanting to go on a date.

Black Butler Hidden Mate (sebastian X OC)Where stories live. Discover now