chapter 21

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"Father?" Kira said with a raised brow.

"Sorry daddy's little nightmare, but I have to" Luke said with a sad smile. "I've fallen"

"For who?" Kira said pretending to not know.

"For Ciel Phantomhive" he said with a dreamy look.

"For a human?!" Kira said her look of 'horror' in perfection.

"Not just any human-"

"I'm glad" she said cutting her father off, a warm smile on her lips.

"Well that wasn't what I expected, I would have thought that you would lose control and tried to kill him, only for me to sacrifice myself to save him and then you would honor my wish of my love towards him and keep him in the underworld where you would turn him into a demon and he would live forever to remember my heroic sacrifice" he said in a breath as he smiled sheepishly.

"You thought things through huh?" Sebastian said with a chuckle.

"Well you're wrong, I would have killed him on the spot for making me kill my own father" Kira said with a smirk as she saw the horror in her father's eyes, small crocodile tears on the brim of his eyes.

"So ruthless!" He winned, then snapped out of it as he looked at her in admiration. "Just like daddy".

Carefully choosing her words she tried not to snap at his father's childish manner. "Father, you're starting to act like an annoying child again, maybe you should go to your human".

"First things first!" He said ignoring her rude attitude towards him. "Undo the contract my future son-in-law Sebastian". He said putting in the future son-in-law, just to make sure that he knows he should respect him. If not then that will be the end of Sebastian's own existence.

"I apologies Mr. Faustain, but I can not do such thing" he said his head bowed in guilt, and slight annoyance.

"And why not?" Luke said as he pouted childishly.

"First, when a contract is made I can't break it unless my master or myself gets killed or murdered, Second, one of us has to break a rule to do so if we both want to live, and third, he's my food for the next couple of decades until I'm able to stumble upon another delicious soul like his, and final; I'm in the mood for a pure tainted soul just like milord's and I will not give it up", Sebastian said as he glared at Luke, trying to overpower the king himself, the creator of all creature.

"Isn't killed and murdered the same thing?" Luke said wondering, completely forgetting what they where talking about.

"They're completely different father" Kira said with a sigh. "But there is a loop hole!" She suddenly said with a bright smile.

"Loop hole?" Sebastian said with a raised brow, hoping that disrespecting the once king wouldn't bite him back in the future.

"Yes, there's a section on the contract where it says the signature of the devil can break any contracts if he wished to break it"

"I've never put that on the contract?" Luke said with a raise brow.

"I put it there just in case this kind of situation ever happened" Kira said proud of her smart thinking.

"Good idea my young spawn of Satan!" Luke said as he spun her around with glee, making her nauseous in the process.

Sebastian chuckled at their close bond and ignored the please for help coming from Kira to get her out of her father's embrace and childish demanor.

"Well then!" He said as he set her down and smiled towards the two, his carefree smile turned into a series look in an instant as he looked at his two favorite people in the world. "Time for the preparations for the weding, and while I'm at it I need to capture a little humans heart".


The day passed slowly as Satan himself was helping out on the preparations for Kira and Sebastian's wedding. He would bring in multiple wedding planners from the underwold, trying to convince and make Kira understand the old ways of the wedding, soon enough they finally did, they choose a final date for the party, on November 6th. They choose the decorations for the party and even the food for the guests, unfortunately Kira had to execute over 10 wedding planners for hurrying her on the way she needed to decorate or the way that something else would make her look stupid than the dress the planer made her choose; which was ridiculously expensive.

They laughed as they shared their journey growing up, and in the mean while Luke was slipping in some hints at the oblivious Ciel Phantomhive.

"Kira, come here for a moment" Ciel orders as he made sure the other two were distracted.

"Yes my lord" she said with a smile.

"Your father Lucifer has been acting strange" hesaid said his voice holding slight worry.

"How so?"

"He's saying strange things"


"This afternoon he came into my studies carrying my tea, he poured it for me and we started to conversate. He said if I liked tea, I said yes as he said which kind I liked the most, I said of course great earl tea. And he said..."

"What did he say master?"

"He said, 'what I would do with a bag or earls'" he said with a slight frown. "Then he winked at me-"

He was cut off my Kira laughing at what she just heard, not once in her life has she ever heard of such a silly joke like that from her father. Apparently she didn't know his that well to not know how he gets in front of the people he adores.

"What's so funny?!" Ciel said with a glare as he pouted.

"My apologies my lord, I was just remembering the past" she said with a snicker as she calmed herself down a bit.

"What's with all the laughing about?" Luke said as he raised an eyebrow. A learning out of nowhere once he heard his daughter laugh.

"Nothing father..." she tried to stop her laughter as she looked at her father, then a thought came to mind. "Hey father?"

"Yes?" He said quizzically.

"Would you like like a bag of earl grey tea?" She laugher harder as she saw Luke blush lightly as pout as he picked up Ciel and sat him on his lap. He placed his chin on the small confused and flutterd boy.

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