chapter 4

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"Are you ready young earl?" Jocelyn said with a smirk as she looked ahead at the battle against two butlers.

"Ready as I'll ever be." Ciel replied as he looked at his butler nodding at him.

"Aright, Kira, I order you to beat Sebastian in hand to hand combat." Jocelyn ordered as her shoulder glowed, not showing under her dress.

"Sebastian, I order you to beat Kira in this combat." Ciel said not clarifying on how to fight the demon.

"Yes, my lord." Sebastian said bowing as his eyes glowed a brighter shade of his red eyes.

"Yes, milady." Kira said her eyes turning the same color as pink.

This started as both of them 'accidentally' spilled out that they had demon butlers. And apparently wanted to find out which one was stronger.

Both maid and butler looked at each other, Sebastian with a smirk and Kira with her usual emotionless face. They waited for the signal, and once they got it they began to battle. Sebastian took the first strike when Kira wouldn't go first. But once Sebastian was about to make contact with Kira, she disappeared in an instant. His eyes widen as he flipped backwards and stopped with a skid looking at all directions and trying to sense where the demon was. Strangely enough he didn't sense a single amount of power in her, which only made this difficult. She stabbed Sebastian by surprise behind the back with her sharp nails, Sebastian barely dodging it as his back leaked out blood in a horrible amount. He turned to see Kira with blood on her cheek, she blushed slightly as she touched the warm blood on her face. She looked at him, her eyes clouded with need, but what kind of need?

She pounced as she threw two punches at Sebastian's head and stomach in an unbelievable speed, he was barely able to dodge two, one punch heading towards his head.

Ciel grumbled under his breath, he somehow knew that Kira wasn't a match for Sebatian. That she was much stronger that he was, and he knew that Sebastian was well aware of that.

Sebastian threw five butter knifes at her direction, she didn't even move, the knifes were reflected by the metal bracelet she was using for armor. He didn't know where to hit, she wasn't at all vulnerable in any case. She was like an iron wall unable to be scratched in the slightest.

She wanted to smile badly, she wanted to smile her, as people would mention, psychopathic smile. She wanted to laugh like the crazy demon she was known to be, to be wild. But she couldn't, not until she finishes the contract, and at the end, when she devours the girl's soul, she would make it as painful as possible. Her lips twitched slightly of the thought, only to stop when Sebastian was about to shove a butter knife in her eye.

Kira dodged easily as usual, she roundhouse kicked him on the face, and punched him on the stomach. She fractured something, she knew she did by the way Sebastian arched forward in pain and coughed out the dark crimson blood.

Her lip twitched again.

She was about to give the finishing fatal blow when she heard her mistress' voice

"Enough!" Jocelyn ordered with a somehow bored look.

Kira stopped, she dusted herself off and stepped back a good amount of distance away from the demon butler. She bowed in respect to the two contracted children.

"Come here Kira." Kira nodded and walked towards her mistress. "I believe you have won, and I don't want to leave the little earl here butler-less so I'm bored of the fight, go clean some more in the manor, and while you're at it, clean yourself up as well, you look horrid in that dress."

"Yes mistress." Kira said bowing.

Once she was out of view from the workers, that were watching as well the fight, as well as the master and mistress she flashed to her room closing it quietly. She fell to the floor on her knees, lifting up her hands up to her cheeks she smiled widely and terrifyingly. She panted in relief, she felt like she was about to break in front of her mistress. And that wouldn't be good if she saw Kira smiling, that would mean not following an order and no food for her.


"How come your maid doesn't smile?" Ciel spoke as he dismissed Sebastian to treat his wounds.

"I don't like her smiling, the first time we ment, she was smiling as I was half dead, it's like as if she was mocking me on the way I was dieyng, so I ordered her to never smile." Jocelyn said her glare directed towards the smiling idiots of her workers as they cleaned the bloody arena.

"I think you should let her smile." Ciel commented.

"And why is that?" She asked her glare fading as she looked at Ciel with an arched eye brow.

"Because when you get to see their shocked and unamused faces, I feel like falling on the floor and laughing my head off." Ciel said with a small smile of amusement.

"Hmm, that does seem amusing... very well I'll tell her to smile, once she gets done cleaning that is."

(Edit completed)

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