chapter 15

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A strange feeling went all over Grell as he saw his beautiful friend back from the dead.

"But, but you died" he said in a slight whisper.

"Yeah I thought so too, but after the attack the demon didn't eat me, he just ripped me apart and left me for dead. I of course being the awesome person I was" she said earning herself a smile from Grell."regenerated from the attack."

"Why didn't you call me?" He said slightly sad.

"Because I didn't want to burden you any longer, I wanted you to have a reason for you to kill demons without a second though because you have a demon friend" she said with a chuckle.

Sighing he stripped from his red coat and dropped it to the floor. Grabbing his hair he pulled it back and was about to cut it.

"Wait, what are you doing?" She said taking the scissors away from him.

"I don't have a reason anymore to keep this long hair" he said blue try with innocent eyes.

"Like hell you do!" She said with a chuckle as she was interrupted by a clear of throat.

She turned around to see Sebastian with his usual smirk on his face. When his eyes landed and Grell he took out a knife to get ready for the hug he would recieve. But shockingly Grell ignored him as he wrapped an arm around Kira.

"We have so much to talk about princess!" He said with a grin as she nodded in understandment.

"Your highness!" The portal opened again, stepping out was a male demon with the same three guard from before.

"Didn't I say that I'm busy!!" She said turning around with a deadly glare.

"M-my queen" the male demon said, he wore an outfit fit for a nobleman. "Your father had requested to see you"

"He's awake?" She said her eyes widening.

"Wait up, hold the phone. What's going on here!?" Jocelyn said standing up with a glare towards her demon maid.

"Sit down human, we are not interested in you" the man said with a glare.

"How dare you!-" she said and was cut off by Kira.

"Shut your mouth you imbecile!" Her eyes turning red and black.

"I'll be there shortly, I have to take care of this contract first." She said as the men bowed and left.

"So you became a queen already?!" Grell said excited and honored as he bowed in a playful manner.

"Lady Jocelyn" Kira said with a sigh. "I know who sabotaged your family boat, I've finished the research and I'm going to head there now if you'd like"

"Then let's go" she said as she stood, letting go her demons outburst.

Hours passed as they finally came to a halt on the front steps of a manor. The initials G.F were carved at the front door.

"I've been awaiting your visit my lady" an old Butler said as he opened the door.

Jocelyn nodded as the Butler and her maid bowed towards eachother. The words Farow was typed neatly on a plaque, the Butler knocked on the door and was told to enter with the guests.

"Sorry for the disruption master Farow, but your appointment is here" the butler said bowing and leaving.

"So what's this meeting all about my dear maidens?" A man with golden short hair said as he turned his chair towards their direction.

"Beside me is lady Jocelyn Acide, heir to the Acide company manufacture of steel. She has come for revenge to her parents deaths" Kira explained as she smirked.

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