Day 4.

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I woke up the next morning to arguing

"Why was she even there?"

"Anthony and her were supposed to stay home."

Lee said, "I know. Anthony, I thought I specifically told you two not to go to those types of parties. It would be different if you were older but getting wasted and having sex-"

"Almost having sex."

"Oh shut the fuck up. It doesn't make a fucking difference."

Anthony said, "Look, she's fine. She probably won't even remember it."

Lee snapped, "I don't care if she remembers it or not. She's too young and you two disobeyed what I had told you. What don't you get? This is serious. Even if you think nothing will happen and think you won't do anything bad, trust me something will."  He added faintly so I couldn't hear him that well, "I never would've thought it'd happen to her."

"Fine, Lee. No more fun," Anthony huffed.

"I didn't say that. I just said that those parties are too old for you and something could happen."

Drew mentioned as I got out of bed, "What if they go but they don't do drugs or drink alcohol and they don't have sex?"

"Always have the bright ideas," Wes mumbled and I walked downstairs.

Lee must have changed me into a shirt and shorts last night. He also must have wiped my makeup off since I don't have any eyeliner or mascara smeared underneath my eyes.



"I said no.  Do you want me to say it again?  No.  You should be lucky you're dealing with me and not mom and dad.," Lee told.

"You're worse."

"Fuck.  Are teenagers this hard?"  Lee said, "I'm never having kids if they're going to grow up and be so damn disrespectful."

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