For Every End

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A number of years ago I needed to take my wife to Reno for a doctor visit. We left after work in the late afternoon and drove the five hours from Elko to Reno. It was late when we passed through Sparks and turned off the I-80 freeway onto McCarran Boulevard. I was quite tired from the drive and my wife was asleep. Driving south on McCarran I noticed a large yellow traffic sign mounted to a pole on the right side of the road. In huge, bold, letters was one word "END". Nothing else but this one sign and this one word. As I was driving an inexplicable sense of apprehension swept over me. Perhaps it was a sign from God. This was the end. As I passed by the sign on the road, nothing happened except an epiphany came to me "For every end there is a new beginning." For some strange, odd, reason this phrase has brought me comfort since then. It came to mind when my father passed. I understood that this was going to be a new beginning for my mom and our family. My father was a devout Christian. He, assuredly, believed he was to have a new beginning as he passed on. I have no way to know that other than faith. On a smaller scale, when I was laid off my last job, the phrase again crossed my mind. Its words were again true. It was not only an end but a new beginning. The new job provided me not only support for my family but it provided me time to seek illumination. To ponder, consider, and attempt to better understand the world and universe that I am but a humble part of. It also allowed me time to agonize and become horribly frustrated with the limitations of my mental abilities to understand the hidden secrets of life. It gave me time to determine the correct life paths to follow, to try as best as I am able to elucidate those things that are true and exist versus those things that are hyperbole or out and out falsehoods. In retrospect, I was very fortunate to be laid off. It was an end of an era, but it provided me a new beginning for which I remain very grateful.

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