Fond Memory

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At this writing, my father passed away five years ago and my mom three. I miss them both very much. But this story is not about sadness. It is about a fond memory. One that I am very thankful and blessed to have. For a number of years before my parents passed, it was a family tradition for my parents, my wife and I and any family member who wanted to go to have Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner at Aspens (previously Misty's) at the Red Lion in Elko, Nevada. It nearly always was a comfy, very enjoyable, and memorable occasion. The meals were generally pricey, but not so much for a special occasion. For the four of us, with a bottle of my mom's favorite Riesling wine, various deserts, and a tip all ran in the neighborhood of a couple hundred dollars.

One of the last Christmas dinners before my dad left us, my parents were in their early 90s and my wife and I were in our late 50s. That year it was just the four of us as our other family members had their own Christmas plans. I remember it well, even to what table we sat at and what everyone had for dinner. It was a cozy and very enjoyable dinner. When it came that time, I asked the server for the check. She said there would be no charge. That one of the other guests had enjoyed seeing our family together and had paid the bill. I asked who it was so I could thank them. She said they wanted to remain anonymous and had already left. I said well let me pay the tip. She relied that there was no need as they had left a very generous tip. None of us had any idea who did this very considerate act of kindness. Even now it reminds me of all the truly kind and nice people there are in the world. If the person who paid our bill ever reads this short story, I want you to know how much your kindness and generosity was appreciated by our entire family. Thank you very much for a fond and treasured memory. Bless you and Merry Christmas to you and yours.

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