The Cobra

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Any field geologist that I have known have had snake stories and close calls. I am no exception. Although, I have had my share of close calls, including having to jump over a coiled, rattling, rattlesnake in New Mexico, this story is more about fear.

In the 1980s, I was sent to Malaysia to evaluate a few mineral properties. I met up with the local geologist, Tan Kai Soon, in Kuala Lumpur. From there we drove up the east coast of Malaysia and then turned inland nearer the Thailand border. It was an incredible drive along the pristine coast and the rubber tree plantations further inland.

This property was in a remote, undeveloped area covered by dense jungle. We met the owner in a small town and then drove to the property on a two-track dirt road in a very scenic dense jungle with small, gently flowing rivers. I was in the front passenger side of the vehicle when I saw this extremely long snake bolt with amazing speed across the road in front of us. The snake then seamlessly swam out across the small river beside us with equal agility. I asked the driver what type of snake that was and he said it was a king cobra. That, because this was a such a remote area, there were many of them here. All I knew about cobras was from television where a snake charmer played a flute, and the snake came out of a jar. I had no idea they were so fast and agile. Then as I was digesting all this information, the driver stopped the vehicle. I asked why we were stopping, and he said we walk from here. I thought this is not good. Not good at all. When we got out of the vehicle, I noticed our guide stepped behind me so I could have the honor to go first. My guess was he was not wanting to be the first one to encounter a cobra either. I motioned to him to go ahead as I had no idea where to go. Very thankfully the property was not too far off the road. The property appeared to be one of those small, uninspiring deposits that was greatly embellished by the owner. Although we had no further snake encounters and I had somewhat managed my fear, I was still greatly relieved to be back in the vehicle with the door shut.

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