The Two Bulls

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There were two bulls along the Boulder Valley ranch road. The road is typical of ranch roads in northeastern Nevada. It is long, wash boarded, and dusty. Build to access the grazing land for the large ranches. There were two bulls standing by the road, leisurely passing the warm summer day. One bull is older, experienced, and fairly stout. The other is much his junior, just learning the ropes from the older bull. So far it is a typical great day. They are munching on the new grass, and eyeing, and making not so subtle comments on, the many prospects in their herd. As they are conversing, a large Grant's livestock truck pulls up and stops in the road right in front of them. The ramp on the back of the trailer slams to the ground and the biggest bull they had ever seen lumbers confidently down the ramp. The two bulls look up at this huge bull as the ramp under his feet bends and groans under his weight. They then look at each other in terror. The larger bull takes a step back. The young bull begins to paw the ground, snorts and make challenging gestures to the immense new arrival. The bigger bull says to the smaller bull, "What are you doing? He's going to kill you." The younger bull turns to his friend and says in a high-pitched voice, "I just to make sure he knows I'm a bull..."

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