April 1, 2014

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I had a dream last night. An incredibly realistic, vivid dream. Yesterday was November 30, 2022. My wife, Dorothy, passed on June 6, 2022, almost six months ago. We were married for nearly 40 years. Although she had health problems for some time, it came as a complete shock that I have not yet even come close to overcoming.

I dreamed I was asleep in bed when our son yelled to me that mom was here. He said, "it is April 1, 2014." Then I heard the two of them talking in the front room. In my dream, I immediately jumped out of bed and ran to the front room. There she was standing in the front door of our home. She looked beautiful. She was standing. She had not been able to walk for several years. Her hair was brown and as she wore it in 2014. She was gorgeous. I walked to her, and she walked into the room toward me. I said something like, "How did you." Then I hugged her tightly and said "I love you. You are beautiful." And then in my dream I started sobbing as I stood there hugging her. Then in reality our boxer dog started barking at me from the side of the bed. I think she was worried as I was uncontrollably sobbing in my dream and in reality. I got up from bed and went into the exact spot in the front room to see if she was there. She was not. I continued to sob and went and took a shower so the others in our home could not see me. I would like to think my wife came to visit. But I don't know. It was as if she were back, and she was glowing with health. I don't know if it was my mind dreaming and missing her or what. But the dream was so vivid and real. I am crying now as I write this. I love you, Dorothy. I love you so much. I miss you terribly. I hope you are well. 

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