The New Lady

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For the past six years I have worked night shift at a youth training facility for adjudicated youth 14 - 19 years old. Most nights are quiet and peaceful. It provides a good opportunity to write and reflect. In the position I hold, most nights you work alone in a dorm with the youth. The shift supervisor checks on you every hour or so to ensure that everything is as it should be. Last night was a bit different. We had a new person added to the shift to replace someone who had moved to day shift. She spent the first hour of the shift with me before they moved her to another dorm. She was very interesting, down to earth with a polished, professional personality. You are never sure how new people will do working at the facility, especially night shift, but she seemed like she had skills and abilities.

After she left with the shift supervisor to go to another dorm, I broke out a box of graham crackers to snack on throughout the remainder of the night. By morning I had probably consumed two packs of the crackers. At seven in the morning, after the shift, I walked to the administration office to check out and return my camera and spray. Just after entering the building, I had a sudden urge to pass gas caused the graham crackers. The problem was there were three women visiting in the lobby of the office. I thought I'm in trouble. I walked past them, wishing them a good morning, put away the camera and spray and went to the separate area where the lockers were to get my keys and wallet. As I entered the locker area the gas pressure had built to an unimaginable crisis level. No one being in the locker area but me, I went ahead and let it rip. It was a huge, long, loud, stenchy fart, FFFFFFLLLLLLBBBBBBBB. I thought oh what a relief. Then I turned around to open my locker and there was the new lady not two feet behind me. Unnoticed by me, she had followed behind me to her locker that was only a step from mine. I was horrified by my gaffe. I said, "I'm sorry". She had incredible skills to pretend she didn't notice and didn't say anything. I have no idea how she even kept a straight face. I am pretty sure now that she will fit in just fine here.  

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